TPC's 2nd 1 table SNG video, LIVE!!!



Silver Level
Nov 5, 2008
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enjoyed the video a lot trigga.. i felt kinda strange about the hand with the 55s though...i felt that was an example of why calling a bet if you re not gonna call a bet on the next street? he gave u good odds, but not good enough ones to hit yout set in case your behind.. so i thought either raise or fold.. or like you said leading out might have been an idea...

whats your opinion in retrospect..??

again, great video..

Thanks mrjohnson, and great question!

In the video I said I played that 55 hand bad from the start. A few hands before that I took a pot down with JJ from the SB when I lead out on the flop, then I did a steal with AToff from the button and then I got the 55 hand UTG.

Now we were five handed, and I was chip leader, in retrospect, I probably should have just folded preflop. Why? Because we are five handed, I still have four players left to act behind me. So, with that raise, I'm either going to win the blinds, get called and hope a bunch of overs don't flop or one of the short stacks is going to shove over the top of me.

I really didn't want to call a shove with 55 there. I'm a strong believer in never open limping a pot. So, I believe the correct move is to just fold the hand preflop. The second option was to min raise and then lead out against him and hope that A didn't hit him. He was folding 80% to flop bets so if he missed the flop he is folding, that would have been cheaper for me in the long run.

When I played that hand, I checked the flop, assuming he would check behind or bet if he hit something. I wasn't expecting such a small bet from him, so to be honest, I was kinda confused. Part of my thought process was, if I call here and he doesn't have anything, we might be able to check it down and get to the showdown cheap. A lot of these passive players will do that, take a stab at a pot, get called and then shut down. I was kinda hoping he would do the same, and that's not what happened. So, like I said, just a poorly played hand by me. You'll never play every hand perfect, you just need to make sure when you make mistakes, they don't cost you a huge portion of your stack.


CardsChat Elite
Silver Level
Aug 4, 2009
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great videos T

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