Rivals Reading



Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 8, 2013
Total posts
Rivals Reading is one of the most important things in poker. If you know you're good at it, and not try to read the other players when you play , then you are failing as a player.

A good poker player is constantly evolving . It's not like you graduate in a poker school , get a diploma , and you 're a great poker player from that day. To play well you have to be in continuous learning and gathering information from other players constantly.

We're not saying it's a simple task , indeed, it can initially be hard work. Divide your attention in many different directions , it is not something that many poker players can do naturally and probably one of the toughest tasks you have to complete a poker player .

The first thing you do when you read an opponent is to learn . Watch your opponents , tells detects and checks the results . This will complete the process of reading the opponent . Even when you manage to draw the right conclusions , will be far from efficient .

The goal here is to be able to anticipate what your opponent will do . As in professional sports ( the NBA for example) the ability to anticipate the opponent makes the difference between a good player and a bad one. Some people say you have to know what the other player will do , before he knows what he will do. At first you might find something far away but over time you will see that it is doable .

The key is to know what will make all players at the table . There are a number of tells in live poker , players can use them to draw their own conclusions , and also exist in online poker , no matter what some people say.

Betting patterns are the most important tells is in poker, both online and live . See if your opponent uses the button check / fold can give clues about the strength of your hand .

The time it takes to act , is again an indicator of whether you are hesitant to make a decision . Sure you have used these tells players to confuse you but you must detect .

Once you've managed to read an opponent , you'll probably be able to anticipate their actions and to dominate them on the table. :cool: