Silver Level
Recently I have been reading two books on online poker "Winning at Internet Poker for Dummies" and "Killer Online Poker". I began to wonder with all the different books on poker, the different theories about how to play different hands, and all the advise you get from the pros and the magazines (who is right?). Does it do any good to read all the books and magazine there are and watch it every chance you get on tv or does it just come down to the moment of each hand your playing as to what you should do. I realize that reading and watching are great tools to help you decide what to do in certain situations but does anyone stick to one way of playing according to a certain book or by trying to immitate a certain pro? I think once you come down to the moment it should be based on all the information you have gathered and the gut feeling you have about how the person will respond to your bet or check. Just thought I'd ramble a bit, let me know your thoughts too.