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My 'basic-starter' Poker Thoughts



Aug 2, 2018
Total posts
Hi there, wanna share with you my most coommon poker thoughts. This long thread will be a self-review and a guide to all who wanna have a talk about theirs through mine.

First thing is that join to Cardschat and be the part of it. In real life people are tend to create families where they can feel themselves the most safe and great. Poker is the same. We cannot play games over and over without aims, and after times passing by, you can be alone that huge field, where everyone tries to do their bests. Cardschat is a family, you can talk about everything here, and the main thing that collect us is to be better poker players. If your soul is determined to do this hobby,
you can assimilate with the same passions.

Also the opportunities are really outstanding. From freerolls to homegames and other competitions, recreational players to pros. Every step is for your progression. And as you 'll meet the same people over and over, you can learn from them, and it makes you more.

Poker is a really complicated opportunity for us. As not everyone can be a winner, and not everyone can make profit about it. You can feel yourself entertained, but without ITM's it is gonna be the fun side. Which is important, as if you not have in it, then you are just a slave for it. How many people suffering from bad work conditions, bad relationships, hunger etc. This one shouldn't be a threat, rather a joy. So if you have it, the next step can be ITM cause its actually real-money awards what sites offering us. To reach it, it takes every psychological affects that we can imagine, live poker too. Roxfort cannot see as much mind-readers as we all are. :)

Lets talk about the game and the field. As poker is not just about NLHoldem, you can choose those which are most suitable and profitable for you. 2-9 players, KO, Omaha-8games all different aspects. You can be expert in every for sure, but as our time is limited, nice to have some expectations about it.
The field is always mixed. No matter how much of you sitted around a table, there will be aggressive, tight, mixed ones. You have to separate them as soon as you can. Poker is never play with only cards. As humans playing it (better times;) ) different attitudes will fight for the same aims. Note, note, note.
I mentioned CC freerolls, the first step of becoming a seriously trained player. I was blowned away that how can the exact same ones can play matches day after day. I realized how usefull and entertaining as well it is. I learned how to take notes to use day after day, play the same structure at the same time every day. So if you're not a part of it cmon and lets join. :D
One more thing to freerolls. Without any risks you can win money. So it not only bring you comfort, but after time a bankroll as well.

As I said the magic ITM not everyone can win money. We will win because someone will loose and that's the circle we have to aknowledge as soon as we can. That we have to improve skills to be able to be at the bright side of the coin. Spin and goes and cash games requires different views. Spin and goes are fast, usually few players included. You will have a role here, try to bring from it the most. Variance is a living thing very important to see how it works there, cause J4s can be a playable hand as well in certain occasions. Cash games are slow, you don't have to overplay them over and over, but if there's a value, catch from it the most.

And the money. I didn't aggree that most sites like to offers in MTTs less then 2x to the last paid place. I think they should have less places for it, but more money for those who just earned it. The 2x multiplier should be the minimum. Cause its hard to get in the best 18-12%. In bubble the first thing is to survive and the remaining stack you can play. Its not a written-down thing, but rather have a cash-back then loose from a questionable spot. If its not questionable, you can go for it.

Probably if you get there I didn't told you such new thoughts. But. I do think that poker sites are not interested about how much money you can investigate for them. The more is probably the best. And it can be points, I had few, when I forced to being a very upset person, because taking it too seriously by pushing hard. Little successes are successes. A well-played hand is a well-played hand and a fantastic answer to your party. A nice conversation between players is real, and fun.
Having goals in the game are makes you focused. Listening music until it is relaxing. That whole adventure is probably a life in a life sutiation. Wanna wish every friend who is here that try to do the best from it, and if you wanna talk through chat or posts, just do it. Don't forget as in life and MTTs we always start from a relatively clean paper, what we can achieve from it is up to us. :angel:
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Rock Star
Bronze Level
Jun 2, 2019
Total posts
Poker can be both a hobby and a real income.


Bronze Level
Feb 4, 2018
Total posts
Patience is the key! Enjoy the game and have fun and remember to learn from every hand.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 22, 2020
Total posts
I think the most important thing is to be in different spots, take decisions and start to get comfortable with your choices (and improve of course).
It's not about to be afraid of taking bad/sub-optimal decisions, but to take those decisions and have the ability to review and improve.

With that process, you would feel more comfortable with taking those decisions and know that you've improved time over the time and are okay with whatever result that may lead.


Silver Level
Aug 29, 2016
Total posts
I confirm cards chat this is the best online poker community. CC frerrolls offer a huge advantage to beginner players. not only can you build a bankroll but most importantly you can train in poker for free and gain valuable experience which will be of great use to you in the paid games. without forgetting the possibility that cards chat offers us to play in the league against other members who do not play in the same poker room as you. we can get to know them and make new friends. joining crads chat is the best decision a player can make when looking for a tool to improve their game and achieve those goals.