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Winner or Victim?



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 16, 2005
Total posts
Well I didn't want to play it but i had 72 Go Points so I enter a 55 GP limit 7 card stud....It's a battle for first between me and 2 others for 2 hours....I keep my cool and collect the chips till I reach the final table with 50k...2nd has 27k and the rest are below 10k....they drop one at a time and i'm finally heads up with this guy and hes got 32k and I got over 100k....a couple hands and he's down to 11k...and I got 131k....wouldn't you know it but the tourny has been running 3 Hours and 55 minutes.....Last hand before the break....Now I'm worried....I've seen stranger things happen and I tell him jokingly...watch they give you cards to make a comeback after the break....we both knew it was an impossibility seeing the blinds were 2k/4k .....he had 2 or 3 hands in him tops....I was getting incredible cards before the break....pp's full houses....Break over and we start again....i get KK in the hole with some low card showing....he has a 7 showing....he raises.....i reraise...he calls...next card is a K...i got 3 kings...he gets no help....he bets i raise and he's all in....he flips and he's got pp 7's in the hole and with the one showing he's got 3....of course the river gives him a full house and he doubles up....same thing happens next hand with me having 3 6's and him pulling a str8....i'm down 40k in chips so now i'm on tilt....i get down to about 15k and then bring it back up to 49.....then lose about 19k to the same 2 pair with a higher kicker....Q's and 2's....next hand i get a full house 10's and 6's and he river's a Q to make a higher full house....I still won 800 instead of 1100 but does anyone notice the same thing happening to them??? It seems that right before the break or right after it...especially when playing hold em....the giant stacks crumble with monster hands and some guy draws a card on the river that takes the pot....It's like the shuffle program knows when to shift the winning hand over and kinda ' balance the equation ' sort of speaking....anyway....i'll be up all night kicking myself in the ass for not taking him out before the break so please feel free to post some replies...


Silver Level
Jan 31, 2005
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That is really wierd cause almost the same exact thing happened to me tonight at Noble poker. It was down to the final 2, I had 55,000 + plus in chips, he had like 1400. The blinds would have put him all in on the next hand and bam the 2nd break hit. After the break, he won a bunch of hands in a row and ended up even in Chips! I finally got him in the end and won. But i was so far on tilt after he caught back up, i'm surprised i won. Last hand... flop came up J 3 J, he went all in for 11,000 with a 3 in his hand assuming i didn't have a jack cause i checked, and of course i did have one and called his all in. Got the win. It was really hard to think straight when I had the win in my hands and had already claimed victory during the break and the next thing I knew we were even in chips!


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 16, 2005
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You gotta love the happy ending....I'm glad you were able to pull it together and win it in the end because there is a point when u do get that one hand that can beat him....But I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say u were on tilt....I couldn't even play after the 3 all ins he got to even him up....I was completely clouded and drowned in that think tank sort to speak....I still can't believe it today....But I'm glad that there is someone out there who this has happened to because I was afraid that I would get replies like "You don't know how to play" and "Anyone that far ahead in chips could never lose it without playing stupid" replies to that affect....It's like the shuffle program resets itself or something after the breaks or close to them and the purpose of that 'reset' is to even up the equation....or chips....


Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2005
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I don't know how many times I have been playing well take a break, come back and take some hits. I think it is more a product of your rythmn and concentration being broken just my opinion though. For someone who usually is a conspiracy theorist I will say that after the breaks the antes and blinds kick up so there will be more all ins and the big stacks will sometimes takes hits because of it. I know, shocking that I don't think a sadistic bored nighttime poker site watchmen hasn't decided to mess with the random number generator just to piss a few players off :p


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 20, 2004
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I have done the same, took a break and then came back and my luck has completely changed for the worse.... strange really... i hate it tho!!!!!!!


Ultimate Bet Freeroll #4 Winner
Silver Level
Mar 22, 2005
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I think alot is psychological too....when a player gets "hot" they sometimes think that they should stay hot...but what I think happens is they quit playing smart poker and start playing on their "luck", like holding out for gut shot draws and what not.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 16, 2005
Total posts

I definetely think that there is a psychological factor involved....especially on how you take your break....and if your glued watching the clock tick down.....chat with the guy/table.....or actually do just that.....take a break.....taking your mind off the game and re-focusing your mind as to the type of play that has gotten you that far in the tourney.....because of course....a lot of us get excited seeing pp of k's and the flop shows an ace....giving the guy with A 6 the advantage....but we call it anyway....I just lost the freeroll on Paradise in one hand....I had forgotten about the start time (5pm) and eventually joined at 5:17 or so....I see I'm on post and fold mode and I have a 6 5 suited clubs.....i was the small blind and saw only the big blind and one other guy called....so i uncheck post and fold and call the 10....flop come 6 5 7....I bet 100....big blind folds and the other guy calls....next card is a Q....I'm figuring he's in the pot because of his high cards....last card is a K....I check....he goes all in....for a split second i think....no way did they give him a str8 on the flop....and call....he opens 89 offsuit....so that was that....as for the original post....the game was a 7 card stud....not hold em....and I'm just saying that after playing for hours you see several real nice hands...but not that often....and not in the same pot....but I get pp k's and he's got pp 7's and I get a K and he gets some card to give him a full....all the while it's hidden cards....one 7 showing and the full house card on the river....I don't buy it man....there must be some form of control....don't you ever notice how some nights you just get these incredible cards and whatever you call with you win....then other nights your pp A's are getting beat with 3 4 and 6 7.....


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 17, 2005
Total posts

Pretty crazy story and sorry for what happened. It does seem like hands get evened out somehow but what can you do about it? But nice story and wish you luck in the future.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 20, 2005
Total posts
Yes, I think how you take your break depends on how you play

And the moral of the story is: No matter how well or poorly you prepare for tournament play, there's always some slackjaw somewhere waiting to iron you out.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 16, 2005
Total posts

Absolutely right....lol....they do come back after the break and iron you out.....I have been playing ALL WEEK.....and have been getting the worst cards ever.....i mean guys calling my AA all in QQ KK JJ and the guy that wins it is the fool who called his 30k on 84 of diamonds.....i've never seen it so bad....especially on paradise.....Me and my brother play next to each other with me on the laptop....when I tell you he started this game with A Q....said i'm going all in....did...won....then went all in 11 more times in a row.....no kidding.....and won every hand....calling 7 4 offsuit to some guys JJ and getting 7 k 7 on the flop....It was incredible....people on the table were stunned....all they said was "crazy"....and it was....it was outright weird...like the record was skipping or something.....whatever he had came out....and won....it just got me to thinking about that pattern....that he somehow found a glitch in it.....like when he used to kick my a** on street fighter with the one cheap move where you can't get up or move....lol.....
Winner Poker