Why aren't women more successful in poker?



Sarah's Pet
Bronze Level
Aug 20, 2008
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Hey! I am also a competitive rifle shooter! I'm not actually that great, but I consistently beat half the boys. By far the best shooter in our club is a woman.

ha ha! Well, I think the (o)(o) is actually an advantage for US!!

I can't even tell you how many guys softplay me because I am a young pretty girl. (young and pretty are relative terms in a poker room!) And frequently when I raise and I get re-raised HUGE and I muck they will show me their QQ or KK or AA or AK....they want me to know they aren't bullying me....I know for a fact that same player would have played more trappy or ruthlessly against a man at the table, and he definitely wouldn't have showed....

However, for all the guys that soft play me (maybe 1 or 2 per table) There are many more who underestimate me and put me on a range of "the near nuts" and there are a few more who are so positive they can outplay me that I get much more action than I deserve on my strong hands. I just keep check calling each street with TPTK while they keep barreling at me...
Play me, in a live poker room, i don't care if you're a guy or gal!!! :)

Unfinished Business

Silver Level
Oct 16, 2013
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That does seem odd. It seems like there are quite a few females who play online poker, although I don't know how successful they are. It have to do with women being more emotional and therefore easier to read and defeat. While we are kind of on the subject, why would it be that there are not more successful professional bowlers?


Professional Fish
Feb 22, 2013
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I'm using math, but my opponents obviously don't :p just yesterday had guy chase flush that he hit on the river.... till then he had nothing. My bet was over half of the pot on on flop, turn.... and river brought him flush. Checked, he made rather small bet, so I called and whoa..... he had flush, lol.

Nice hands Sarah, good job. Alfie already mentioned what should be done differently. I'd also bet K9s hand on the flop. And yep, I'd definitely check squads hehe. Perhaps if I get some interesting hands for you, I'll share them, too. :)

Thanks, yea could of kicked myself when I didn't check the quads. I agree I should of bet on the flop with the K9 cos even if I didn't hit TPTK I still had a chance with the second pair and Good kicker. I learnt something new that day and since improving from that day I have also cashed. Thanks to all that gave me the kick up the backside that I needed :D


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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Woman don't have what it takes to be Poker players, that's why there has never been a female player that has won the WSOP main event in over 40 years.

Annette Obrestad won the wsop Main Event 10k buy-in.

Gaelle Baumann and Elizabeth Hille almost made the final table and Gaelle got robbed because she should've rightfully eliminated Koroknai on her pocket Kings hand where Koroknai mucked his hand after Gaelle Baumann called his all-in. Muck means dead hand. When he forfeited his hand while Gaelle's cards is the land cards active and standing, she should've taken all of his chips and eliminated him. Same person who she got robbed from, bubbled Gaelle out of the main event.

I know tons of women who will school you for your money anyday. But keep thinking that because it will cost you.


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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I know, that was so heartbreaking!

Koroknoi took out BOTH Gaelle Baumann and Elisabeth Hille and really, he should have been eliminated by Gaelle on a previous day....he only stayed alive because of a very questionable floor ruling that was disupted and then he takes out BOTH women in 9th and 10th places respectively???? ARRRGGGGG!!!!!

let's toilet paper his house! :)

It was a pathetic ruling of WSOP. If Koroknai mucked his hand after Gaelle called his all-in, then Gaelle should've won his chips and eliminated him. He was a dumbass to muck his cards. He should've paid the consequences for it.

I guess from now on, whenever I bluff all-in and someone's likely to call, I guess I can just muck it and then still hold onto my chips since I'll reason it using Gaelle's hand as an excuse and since WSOP is the biggest, official poker tournament organization in the world.
Propane Goat

Propane Goat

Grinder and paint make me the welder I ain't
Apr 26, 2013
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That was so sad when Koroknai took out Hille and Baumann, he pulled off several magic suckouts to even get that far too, there's video floating around of him vs. Ladouceur and that AKo vs AKo hand where he makes the better flush on the turn.


Silver Level
Mar 17, 2012
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Annette Obrestad won the WSOP Main Event 10k buy-in.

Gaelle Baumann and Elizabeth Hille almost made the final table and Gaelle got robbed because she should've rightfully eliminated Koroknai on her pocket Kings hand where Koroknai mucked his hand after Gaelle Baumann called his all-in. Muck means dead hand. When he forfeited his hand while Gaelle's cards is the land cards active and standing, she should've taken all of his chips and eliminated him. Same person who she got robbed from, bubbled Gaelle out of the main event.

I know tons of women who will school you for your money anyday. But keep thinking that because it will cost you.

wrong...no woman has ever won the wsop main event 10k buy in
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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wrong...no woman has ever won the wsop main event 10k buy in

Wrong again, yes she did. Annette oberstad. Look it up.

It was wsop Europe, but it was still wsop main event $10k buy in


Silver Level
Mar 17, 2012
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Wrong again, yes she did. Annette oberstad. Look it up.

It was wsop Europe, but it was still wsop main event $10k buy in

errr that would be called the wsop europe........not the wsop main event.....two entirely different tournaments.....specifics are vital.
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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errr that would be called the wsop europe........not the wsop main event.....two entirely different tournaments.....specifics are vital.

you said "wrong. no woman has ever won the wsop main event 10k buy in",

she did win a wsop main event 10k buy in.

the details match up. and it's a pretty silly thing to be splitting hairs over

(now....I know what you MEANT when you said the wsop main event, but that is not actually what you said...if you want to get nit picky over the specifics)


Sleep Faster
Silver Level
May 1, 2012
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Gaelle Baumann and Elizabeth Hille almost made the final table and Gaelle got robbed because she should've rightfully eliminated Koroknai on her pocket Kings hand where Koroknai mucked his hand after Gaelle Baumann called his all-in. Muck means dead hand. When he forfeited his hand while Gaelle's cards is the land cards active and standing, she should've taken all of his chips and eliminated him. Same person who she got robbed from, bubbled Gaelle out of the main event.

I know tons of women who will school you for your money anyday. But keep thinking that because it will cost you.

It was a pathetic ruling of WSOP. If Koroknai mucked his hand after Gaelle called his all-in, then Gaelle should've won his chips and eliminated him. He was a dumbass to muck his cards. He should've paid the consequences for it.

I guess from now on, whenever I bluff all-in and someone's likely to call, I guess I can just muck it and then still hold onto my chips since I'll reason it using Gaelle's hand as an excuse and since WSOP is the biggest, official poker tournament organization in the world.

You guys can call it a bad rule, but the ruling was 100% consistent with the rules. The rules do state that if you muck before you are called you get your bet back. It was a 100% correct ruling based on the rules of the wsop.

Anyway not really sure where I stand on the overall topic obviously the fact that poker is so heavily male-dominated just leads to top players being mostly male just because of luck. That said it's also way easier for a woman to make friends with people way better than them who will talk strat with them simply because they think it's cool a female is working to get better like that.

I also disagree with the people saying that males and females are exactly the same and they don't see gender yadda yadda yadda. That's just bullshit, we all see gender and there are differences. I don't think we really understand all the differences so it's pretty hard to prove whether there is something innate about males or females that allow them to think about the game in a "better" way.

That said, there is literally not a single world class female in poker, and no offense but for every girl listed here I'm pretty sure I could list at least 50 males much much better than them (I'm talking nlhe). The funny part is the one girl that I might not be able to do that for is extremely unknown/not mentioned at all in these discussions. There's some online Stars pro mystery something who apparently is a big winner in the 5knl games. If you're beating 5knl over a decent sample online you're pretty ****ing good because those games are insanely tough. There's not a single woman mentioned in this thread who wouldn't be the mark if they sat down at a pokerstars 5knl table. The fact that she's able to make money from that game means she's far and away the best female poker player right now. It's just not close.


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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You guys can call it a bad rule, but the ruling was 100% consistent with the rules. The rules do state that if you muck before you are called you get your bet back. It was a 100% correct ruling based on the rules of the wsop.

Anyway not really sure where I stand on the overall topic obviously the fact that poker is so heavily male-dominated just leads to top players being mostly male just because of luck. That said it's also way easier for a woman to make friends with people way better than them who will talk strat with them simply because they think it's cool a female is working to get better like that.

I also disagree with the people saying that males and females are exactly the same and they don't see gender yadda yadda yadda. That's just bullshit, we all see gender and there are differences. I don't think we really understand all the differences so it's pretty hard to prove whether there is something innate about males or females that allow them to think about the game in a "better" way.

That said, there is literally not a single world class female in poker, and no offense but for every girl listed here I'm pretty sure I could list at least 50 males much much better than them (I'm talking nlhe). The funny part is the one girl that I might not be able to do that for is extremely unknown/not mentioned at all in these discussions. There's some online Stars pro mystery something who apparently is a big winner in the 5knl games. If you're beating 5knl over a decent sample online you're pretty ****ing good because those games are insanely tough. There's not a single woman mentioned in this thread who wouldn't be the mark if they sat down at a Pokerstars 5knl table. The fact that she's able to make money from that game means she's far and away the best female poker player right now. It's just not close.

Btw, I guess by your logic, I can verbally 4-bet all-in, and then if I pick up a tell that the villain has a strong hand and will likely call, then I can quickly muck it and just lose the 2-bet I placed on the table. Is that what you're saying? Man, I didn't know that. Makes real sense.


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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wrong...no woman has ever won the wsop main event 10k buy in

Go look it up more thoroughly. Annette Obrestad won the WSOP Main Event held in Europe which was 10k buy-in. Well, £10,000 buy-in that is.


Silver Level
Apr 29, 2013
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Annette Obrestad won the WSOP Main Event 10k buy-in.

Gaelle Baumann and Elizabeth Hille almost made the final table and Gaelle got robbed because she should've rightfully eliminated Koroknai on her pocket Kings hand where Koroknai mucked his hand after Gaelle Baumann called his all-in. Muck means dead hand. When he forfeited his hand while Gaelle's cards is the land cards active and standing, she should've taken all of his chips and eliminated him. Same person who she got robbed from, bubbled Gaelle out of the main event.

I know tons of women who will school you for your money anyday. But keep thinking that because it will cost you.

If Koroknai was angle shooting then he'd have been eliminated . I
t must have been a genuine error because they did give it a lot of attention. Was unlucky he bust her out but playing poker for hours and days on end must be an environment for honest mistakes. Merson was unbeatable though. Back to back bracelets . Impressive.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 30, 2007
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I attended an event at a local casino recently, and out of 402 competitors, only two were women. I thinks its largely due to the percentage playing. That said, I also believe that men are more hardwired towards aggressive play. Passive poker players are seldom consistently successful.
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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You guys can call it a bad rule, but the ruling was 100% consistent with the rules. The rules do state that if you muck before you are called you get your bet back. It was a 100% correct ruling based on the rules of the wsop.
Yes the rules do state this. But Gaelle claimed that she did call before he mucked. She told both floor people that and they disregarded it. When she tables her KK it is pretty believable that she would have insta called any players all in.

Anyway not really sure where I stand on the overall topic obviously the fact that poker is so heavily male-dominated just leads to top players being mostly male just because of luck. That said it's also way easier for a woman to make friends with people way better than them who will talk strat with them simply because they think it's cool a female is working to get better like that.

I agree with you on this. I usually get more than my fair share of courtesy and friendly table banter... I am also friendly and approachable but I think it mostly has to do with the novelty of a young woman at the table.

I have received much more free advice than I think a man would. A few months ago I was friendly with the guy to my left (I always make a point to be) when I busted he came over to the rail and complimented my play and gave me 2 tells he had picked up on me that he had been exploiting all day. He was a good player that went on to take 5th in that 2 day event. I doubt he would have told a man those tells... Would have saved them for a rainy day.

Same thing happened in Vegas, I bust out of and a pro I've been playing with all day comes over and wants to talk shop with me, asked me to rail him till dinner break then he bought me a drink on dinner and critiqued my game. It was immensely helpful advice. He went on to take 3rd in that 2 day event; so I think helping girls with their game is good karma!

So.... In some ways yay for the (o)(o)


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Dec 24, 2012
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Ugly womans haven´t success in poker


Silver Level
Nov 11, 2013
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Honey buns! Just face it! It's a man's world! :D
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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Sleep Faster
Silver Level
May 1, 2012
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Btw, I guess by your logic, I can verbally 4-bet all-in, and then if I pick up a tell that the villain has a strong hand and will likely call, then I can quickly muck it and just lose the 2-bet I placed on the table. Is that what you're saying? Man, I didn't know that. Makes real sense.

My logic? No. The official rules of the WSOP? Yes.

Also it's very unlikely you'll be able to pick up a tell and fold before they can call, plus you lose the size of the 3-bet as well, if you shove and muck it's considered a call and muck.

Like honestly I'm not sure where I stand on it the logic is obviously it will hardly ever happen on purpose so it's better to not punish someone too hard who thought their opponent folded and was mucking to collect the pot but it makes angling suuuuuper -ev (especially preflop) because you have to put in the call regardless.

That said I'm also of the opinion that if you make a mistake as obvious as not waiting to make sure your opponent mucked before mucking yourself you deserve whatever you get. I mean it's pretty basic at live to never muck until the dealer is pushing chips towards you.


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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My logic? No. The official rules of the WSOP? Yes.

Also it's very unlikely you'll be able to pick up a tell and fold before they can call, plus you lose the size of the 3-bet as well, if you shove and muck it's considered a call and muck.

Like honestly I'm not sure where I stand on it the logic is obviously it will hardly ever happen on purpose so it's better to not punish someone too hard who thought their opponent folded and was mucking to collect the pot but it makes angling suuuuuper -ev (especially preflop) because you have to put in the call regardless.

That said I'm also of the opinion that if you make a mistake as obvious as not waiting to make sure your opponent mucked before mucking yourself you deserve whatever you get. I mean it's pretty basic at live to never muck until the dealer is pushing chips towards you.

I don't care if it was a mistake. You pay your consequences, not only with poker but also in real life. I've had times where I accidentally just put up a blind from cutoff since everyone was limping in but I didn't realize mp+3 raised to $10. I tried to take my blind back and fold because it really was an accident. What happened? Dealer states my $2 stays on the table and I am forced to forfeit whatever went up to the table if I muck. It was truly an accident. But did casino care? No. Consequence I pay for not fully paying attention to the table and mp+3.

Sure, Koroknai made a mistake. But he should've forfeited all of his chips and been eliminated. You don't just shout out all-in and then muck and pray the floorperson or tournament director will save you. Every year, WSOP tends to have controversies with their rulings and they can't even enforce it properly. Even Losev's case in 2008 against Brandon Cantu. I guess I should start string-betting and have barrels of my chips in motion until I can pick up my villain's tell to test his response whether he is likely to call or fold, and then I'll consider my bet size. Losev's bet should've remained the bet he initially put up there before bringing it back to his stack.