Silver Level
i was ask to write about getting tec chips. i think the main thing is waiting. .you have to sit for long peroids of time to get good betting cards.:fight: :fight: having enough chips to make a serious bet in the 4-6 rounds is critical.:top: you must be able to amass 35000-45000 chips to secure a chip.:congrats: but im proof that getting chips secures nothing in the next round of play. i still havent won a thing:frown: .its to bad they dont have private tourneys where you can win better prizes based on your play.i think this would raise the level of play even higher.:driver: it wold be nice if we cold get a sponser to put up a car,a boat,a trip,laptop,etc.well enough of my rambling.:argh: KEEP ON KEEPEN ON AND PLAY THOSE freerolls:boxing: