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Reporting Players???



Silver Level
Nov 28, 2007
Total posts
I have heard it all at online poker tables when it comes to people chating.I dont mind the chating,smack talk,joking,small talk etc.. I like to chat myself sometimes to keep from being bored.I was playing at a table the other night and everything was fine.People chating small talk and congradulating each other on thier wins.Long story short! The site rebalanced tables and we got two new players at the table.Well that made three players form the same place.They started chating in thier native language and that was fine.Until one of them put a bad beat on another player and they started taunting in thier language.Well what they didnt know was i understood some of what they were saying.Then a friend of mine who is black,lost a big hand against one of them because of a lucky river card.They really started in then.Taunting,cursing,and then racial slures!! Thats when i said to them i know what u said and thats really uncalled for.They didnt believe me and another player spoke up and said he did to and they should talk in english! They didnt belive us and started saying how they were going to triple up and take us out! Well they took everyone out but i managed to cash.It was really bad though especially all the racial slures!! So CC's! When should u report someone or just let it go?? Hate for someone to lose thier privilages but when is enough,enough??? The Hick!! PS sorry long story!!


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 14, 2008
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Just as at a live session, flagging the Table Director, you can report inappropriate language to the sites. When you do, they need to know which tournament, time, etc., along with the offending IDs ... and some would like to know which table ... as much of the location you can provide. At pokerstars, write support@PokerStars.com. I observed one site even has a "report" button at the table as well.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 14, 2008
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ADDENDUM: I also, just a moment ago, noted that at the "Options" link at a PokerStars table there is a "Call Moderator" button. I've not used this tool; but perhaps that will enable you to catch them "in the moment."


Silver Level
Jun 2, 2008
Total posts
I would report them, just call a moderator on a PokerStars table. I dont mind it when there is friendly banter, competitive talk, or someone getting pissy for a bad beat. However I think that as soon as you bring the hate talk and racial slurs into it, it is definitely enough. I don't want to play with people like this because they're assholes. If they got banned I would not feel bad in the slightest.


Silver Level
Sep 14, 2007
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Speaking any language but English first of all is a violation of the terms at Pokerstars. Now granted if I see for example someone will say like "you speak [some language]?" and then like a sentence or two that clearly has nothing to do with poker, that's no big deal. But if there's a big long conversation and I have no idea what it's about I'll say like "English only please?". Only done that like 2-3 times and all times they've complied and apologized. Guess if they continued I'd report them. Worst case (assuming Stars doesn't interpret the chat and see it actually was collusion) is probably just they'll lose their chat and if it's the first time it'll probably just be a warning.

But on top of that, racial slurs, in any language, are definitely against their terms. I'd definitely report them. Even if they're being outright racists, most likely worst case they lose their chat for a short time. Stars isn't going to make them stop playing poker, they'd lose too much money lol.


is watching you
Silver Level
Mar 5, 2007
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If players are not speaking English, I just politely ask them to. If they refuse, I call a moderator.

Speaking any language but English first of all is a violation of the terms at Pokerstars. Now granted if I see for example someone will say like "you speak [some language]?" and then like a sentence or two that clearly has nothing to do with poker, that's no big deal. But if there's a big long conversation and I have no idea what it's about I'll say like "English only please?". Only done that like 2-3 times and all times they've complied and apologized. Guess if they continued I'd report them. Worst case (assuming Stars doesn't interpret the chat and see it actually was collusion) is probably just they'll lose their chat and if it's the first time it'll probably just be a warning.

But on top of that, racial slurs, in any language, are definitely against their terms. I'd definitely report them. Even if they're being outright racists, most likely worst case they lose their chat for a short time. Stars isn't going to make them stop playing poker, they'd lose too much money lol.

I don't play as high as you Zac, but I actually have to ask players to speak English quite a lot. Any one else get this? Id say 50% of the time they continue being rude (by rude I mean not speaking English) and they end up having there chat banned.

baby kahuna

Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2008
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Take down all info. Names, Tournament name, time it started, hand # where chat took place, and report them. Not only were they racist but they were colluding. And is subject to freezing of their account. What language was it by the way? I speak several Asian languages and have called people out when they speak to each other in their native tongue when they begin to berate other players. But often my friends who dont speak English well will rail me and wish me well in their native tongue and I will respond but nothing about the game.


Silver Level
Sep 14, 2007
Total posts
If players are not speaking English, I just politely ask them to. If they refuse, I call a moderator.


I don't play as high as you Zac, but I actually have to ask players to speak English quite a lot. Any one else get this? Id say 50% of the time they continue being rude (by rude I mean not speaking English) and they end up having there chat banned.

Well since I'm usually multi-tabling the majority of my play I actually don't notice the chat a lot, so maybe it's happening more than I think, but then again people could be saying "I've got AA, help squeeze this zachvac character out of all the money we can" in English and most of the time I probably wouldn't notice it. Mostly it's the tourneys I've noticed people talking in non-English. Like I said, sometimes it's obvious what they're saying (lots of languages have similar roots and as I am fluent in English and know some French and Spanish so recognize some of the words, usually not poker-related) and in those cases I'm not going to bother them, but when there's an extended non-English conversation I'll just politely ask "English only please".

Again, it's still against the rules so it's not wrong to get Stars to enforce it, but in general if people want to collude they'll use an IM client or something else private, not someplace where Pokerstars is logging the chat. You'd have to be an idiot to cheat by cheating in the window where if you are ever even accused of colluding (or someone complains about non-English) there is concrete proof of collusion since these can be interpreted.

So basically I'm not worried about non-English talking being collusion, but on the other hand there is an English-only policy that they agreed to when they got their Stars account, so if the non-English bothers you I'd ask them to stop and if they don't either call the moderator right there or else email their support.


May 27, 2008
Total posts
With regards to racial slurs, I was 2-tabling 20NL last night at Sportsbook. This one guy was whining (there's always one it seems) about bad beats and at one time made a comment like "Another nig**r playing cards." He put a space between the G's to get around the chat filter I guess. I don't normally pay attention to much chat either, especially when playing more than one table, but I just happened to catch that. I also brush off the typical rants and insults in chats, but this really pissed me off. However I had action going on the other table, and then the guy left. His avatar was of a black person though, so I wasn't sure if was meant as just "street" talk from another black person, or if it was a truly racist comment -- either way I consider it highly inappropriate and offensive in a mixed gathering of strangers. Guess I need to familiarize myself with how to report such crap on Sportsbook for next time.