


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 3, 2008
Total posts
In poker as in warfare it is the judgement of the moment that opens us for the consequences of our decisions. As in warfare no limit has extreme consequences u can work for hours on end to build a superior position only to lose all in a moments time. Combat and hold-em have the greatest of all common threads it is long hours of boredom broken up by moments of extreme stress, and yet it is that stress that draws us into the fray, my greatest improvements have come as a result of mistakenly believing I have the high ground, when the reality is I'm the 1 in a position of extreme danger. So I have learned to be circumspect and not fall for the illusion of strength but always believe that there are combinations that have greater position than the great STARTING hands for through bitter experience I have learned the those words are exactly what they describe it is only the FINISHING HANDS that truly count so no longer are the aces or kings nearly as strong as the illusions in my mind have led me to believe in the past for in all strength there is an inherent weakness that must be accounted for in the final equation!!!!