Rock Star
Bronze Level
I’ve been playing poker for over 50 years and have seen it change so much. To me it’s not what you go all in with it’s what you call with. I’ve seen aces cracked by 5 3 off suit. You know what I mean because it’s happened to you. I can’t play live anymore because I have multiple sclerosis. All though my live play is done I’ve changed to online play. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen good players and when I do it gets crushed by bad play. I play tight till I see what the table plays and adjust my play. Online they think it’s funny when they give a bad beat. One thing live players would never pull that for one thing you never know how bad their day is going and their attitude could be deadly.
So do you best may the cards be with you.
So do you best may the cards be with you.