Poker Insight



Silver Level
Dec 30, 2006
Total posts
With all the recent discussion of books and courses on poker , I thought I'd pass on a bried review of this DVD series that I've been enjoying.

Poker Insight, 4 volumes(so far), should be of interest to anyone looking to round out their tournament game. Plus some cogent tips on cash game play. Each volume is set up basically the same: First section- A round(actually racetrack) table discussion of tournament strategy by TJ Cloutier, Tom Franklin, Men(the master)Nguyen, and Greg Raymer. Second- cash game discussion by Ted Forrest and Barry Greenstein. Third- Internet tourney Q and A betweeb Warren Karp(who emcees everything) and James Worth. Then, each volume concludes with brief tips and tells.

Volume 1 is pretty basic stuff. However, through the suceeding volumes, some very interesting and spirited discussion on different styles and strategies, and some insight into how different players approach the same situation occurs. And, the Internet sections should provide all us low stakes MTT players with a few nuggets. Frankly, I found the Forrest-Greenstein sections the least informative of the lot, which is a damn shame, 'cause they're both such great players. And, I can see value in their discussion if you were a casino cashgame grinder.

Each volume runs about 90 minutes, and I can already see there are sections I'll be going over again and again.

They're billed as "The only Poker Guide you'll ever need", and while I seriously doubt this, they are several cuts above the usual, "this is how I do it" poker DVD offering.