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Poker Collusion - check out this revealing email!!

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Rising Star
Bronze Level
Feb 28, 2007
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I regularly browse these forums but have never posted until now but I thought you guys might find this very interesting indeed - this email was forwarded on to me....

3 internet connections, 4 computers, 6 credit cards, 8 fake identities, 10 SIM cards and 12 party poker accounts. Apologies for what has been an overly long time to reply to an email - I dare not pretend to have an excuse but let me offer an explanation, you see I have been devoting every free minute i've had for the last couple of months to a singular obsessive pursuit. Let me indulge you, young Tim, in a short history of my solo poker collusion experience, nay, adventure...

I will begin after that fortnight before you left when yourself and Ross and I made good dollars playing what could be alleged to be less than honest poker. As I am a man who likes money but does not like work I began to think about how I could carry on the poker collusion dream with you gone and Ross heading OS. You will agree that our experience had shown three players colluding was better than two and so what I needed was three accounts, each running on its own computer and each computer with its own separate internet connection. I could tell you of the good times had while trying to get three working computers, and the other four and a half broken computers lying around the house are a testament to those good times, but let me cut to the chase, to the point where I am up and running with my triforce of computers, one running on broadband, one on dial-up and one using my mobile phone to access the internet:

I'll mention that this is all happening in my new place with davo and ollie, had to leave Dan and his merriment and move on, but I am diverging... Started out on paradise poker, our home ground as it were, ahh the good times we had at paradise. I still remember that guy writing "you should all get 3rd because that is what you have been playing for"! Played a $10 sitngo - trifecta, went to a $20 - trifecta. It was like old times but since the americans had been banned it has been very hard to get a game, I would be waiting a half hour for a $20 game to start, if it did at all. Soon realised that I needed to move on from paradise and step it up to party poker. When you set up a new account on party these days they ring you to verify the account information. I would write down all the details of my fake person, stick it to the side of the monitor that the account was playing on and when they rang for Samuel Bagshott or James Moland I was straight into character! Things were going well at party, within a week I was close to four figures between the three accounts, and I hadn't started playing the big money yet, just $20 mainly. Then something happened - they found me out, shut down all three of my accounts and confiscated all the money. This was a shame. Many a phone call to party did not help in seeing a dime of that money but what I did learn is that they run there own hand history checks, and 'red flag' any suspicious play. Although I had been careful to hide my collusion from fellow players at the table I had not given any thought to looking legit to the site i.e. folding the nuts to my shorter stacked player, folding AA preflop etc. A lesson learnt the hard way.

So I packed my bags and left party, and headed off in search of a large poker site that was hopefully more lax in its collusion policing. This proved to be a disappointing exercise as every other large poker site (and I checked them all) do not allow you to select which seat you want for sitngos and Tim you are the last person I have to preach to about the virtues of sitting together to. You just register for them like a tournament and when there is enough the game starts with everyone being seated randomly. Party and Paradise are the only two that let you choose your seat so I headed back to party certain that if I played a little cleverer I wouldn't be caught. However my next attempt failed before it even got started as I had not properly formatted one of the computers and when they saw a new account being created on a computer that had just been banned for cheating, well, that was the end of that.

My next attempt was done with a little more planning, and I deposited to each fake account from Neteller which was a quagmire of problems but you have to deposit from NT to be able to withdraw to it and my plan was, just like with paradise back in the day, to continually withdraw funds from the three accounts, leaving only enough necessary to play with in each. All was going well until I tried to cash out and they busted me. I had colluded more subtly so had not been caught in the course of playing but when you go to cash out Party do a thorough check of all games you have played and they got me. Again, this was a shame. I was emailed a list of no less than 15 'please explain' hand histories, none of which on their own would raise any eyebrows but collectively made a strong circumstantial case! Another three accounts by the way-side.

I was indeed deterred but not quite ready to give up yet. For even without being able to do the really dodgy collusion stuff it was still quite easy to make good dollars, I just needed a way to be able to get the money off the site. And so my course of action was thus: I would build up a good enough bankroll playing sitngos, then get all three guys to sit at a cash game and lose it all to one guy, then get that one guy to sit at a cash table with other regular players, then get a player who has had no previous interaction with my colluding buddies (in this case my brothers account) to sit down at that cash game and win (over the course of many a hand) all the colluding guys money. Then this guy, in theory, would be clean and have no dodgy hand history to get him in trouble when he goes to cash out. Once the brother cashes it out to Neteller he then loses it to me at paradise and I withdraw to Neteller and bingo its mine! Finally, a system that cannot fail!

This did not happen. Got caught again.

The End of Poker Collusion Adventure.

It was almost the perfect crime, but in the course of losing the money to my brother my internet died (1st time ever - the poker gods were angry) and by the time I was back online the table was full with a waiting list, I waited an hour for a seat but none were available and my brother, a rubbish player, was bleeding money, so, against everything I had planned I sat down at another table and told him to follow. It all went to plan from then on but the damage was done, his following me to the 2nd table was enough for Party to establish a link between us. When he went to cash out they closed the accounts.

I have hung up the poker boots for now, packed the computers away and become reacquainted with other things in life - talking to people, doing my washing, opening bills, replying to emails!


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
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Sounds fake. I mean, who writes emails to people saying things like
I dare not pretend to have an excuse but let me offer an explanation, you see I have been devoting every free minute i've had for the last couple of months to a singular obsessive pursuit. Let me indulge you, young Tim, in a short history of my solo poker collusion experience, nay, adventure...
? It sounds a lot like those emails you get from Nigeria claiming you're the heir to a huge fortune.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Feb 28, 2007
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lost cause

sounds like the guy ended up loosing a lot of money if it in fact was a true story. i have had my experience with players colluding on a table and i moved up from a 3rd position to a second after the poker site caught the person.
Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
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Only thing it really seemed to be missing was the initial sentence, "Once upon a time...".


Can I help you?
May 18, 2005
Total posts
But what of Ross?!?? What was to become of him? And Dan? Dan and his merriment...:bawling: I need answers!!

:p ;)


Silver Level
Oct 19, 2006
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yes tammy i agree did his brother ever imprve his game?do they still have any money in netteller hell? and for god's sake bring back the merriment
But what of Ross?!?? What was to become of him? And Dan? Dan and his merriment...:bawling:

:p ;)


Silver Level
Mar 28, 2005
Total posts
The major poker rooms who have the capital to properly invest in their security systems are going to recognize this type of multi-address scam very quickly. It would be impossible for one person using only a half-dozen points of entry to be able to simulate the kind of randomness that would escape detection. When the same handful of "guys" keep showing up at the same table at the same time, they'll notice. That's just one more reason to stick with the Big Dogs of the internet poker industry and leave the fly-by-night newbies alone. I feel secure playing exclusively on Full Tilt, because I know they have the resources to properly keep watch.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 28, 2007
Total posts
But what of Ross?!?? What was to become of him? And Dan? Dan and his merriment...:bawling: I need answers!!

:p ;)

entertaining story, real or not.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 17, 2006
Total posts
Looks like a high schooler's sad attempt at fiction writing...Which it probably is.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 31, 2005
Total posts
Sounds fake all the way, but nonetheless entertaining.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 26, 2007
Total posts
---Ohhhh...what does a site like ft, pp, or ps do with money seized?

The major poker rooms who have the capital to properly invest in their security systems are going to recognize this type of multi-address scam very quickly....That's just one more reason to stick with the Big Dogs of the internet poker industry and leave the fly-by-night newbies alone. I feel secure playing exclusively on Full Tilt, because I know they have the resources to properly keep watch.

Completely agree with you. Besides having the capital to invest...they have much more to protect. Imagine word getting out about lots of collusion teams playing at your site and withdrawing successfully.


Silver Level
Mar 19, 2007
Total posts
He put alot of thought and effort into this post but sound very far fetched. Not to believable but anything is possible.


Silver Level
Apr 5, 2007
Total posts
Not me, not me, not me, not me. Nope.


Nice story.



Suckout Queen
Silver Level
May 22, 2005
Total posts
---Ohhhh...what does a site like ft, pp, or ps do with money seized?

Woohoo!!!! Have a party of course!!!!
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