Poker Blogs



Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 19, 2006
Total posts
Hey guys,

I read this forum everyday but rarely post because most posts start and end themselves if you get what I mean and any positive input would just be what the previous guy who gave the right answer said... :D

Anyways, I was wondering if I could get my blog added to this sites blog page? I update it daily so its a shame to let it go to waste. Its often colourful and has a few readers already.

For anyone wondering, I'm predominantly a tournament player and I play $50 and $100 10 seater SnG's to bring home the bacon when the MTT's are running dry. Occasionally I'll play 1 / 2 NL for fun but I try to stay clear of cash games these days...

Hope you have fun reading, would be good to hear peoples opinions.

You can check it out on:

Allsopp's Poker Life :)