Bronze Level
Guys, a serious post from me for once.
Played cash tables at Absolute and Costadelpoker tonight, and had very good success. tenbob was with me at costadelpoker.
Wont go into detail, but i was incredibly loose, and managed to double my bankrolls on both(100xBB) in under an hour.
also played a sng with dakota at absolute, and was calling out my hands and going all-in, and still winning(the fabled 84 sooooted) did it again.
What I need is 5 experienced online cash table players to do an experiment with me, over a course of one hundred hands, at either Absolute or Costa. You will not lose, as I will chipdump to anyone who is down, I promise.
You need to have msn, and an external email account so I can send you the rules, and you need to be available around 4pm(uk) tomorrow, thursday, at either site(i prefer costa, its cheaper, but either one)
After the game, I will go through the hand histories and prove my theory about these tables, if not I'll looka fool and you can all have a good laugh at my expense.
If(hopefully not if, but when) my theory is proven, we can clean up at the tables if you stick to the rules that hopefully I will amass from this experiment.
Thanks in advance,
Played cash tables at Absolute and Costadelpoker tonight, and had very good success. tenbob was with me at costadelpoker.
Wont go into detail, but i was incredibly loose, and managed to double my bankrolls on both(100xBB) in under an hour.
also played a sng with dakota at absolute, and was calling out my hands and going all-in, and still winning(the fabled 84 sooooted) did it again.
What I need is 5 experienced online cash table players to do an experiment with me, over a course of one hundred hands, at either Absolute or Costa. You will not lose, as I will chipdump to anyone who is down, I promise.
You need to have msn, and an external email account so I can send you the rules, and you need to be available around 4pm(uk) tomorrow, thursday, at either site(i prefer costa, its cheaper, but either one)
After the game, I will go through the hand histories and prove my theory about these tables, if not I'll looka fool and you can all have a good laugh at my expense.
If(hopefully not if, but when) my theory is proven, we can clean up at the tables if you stick to the rules that hopefully I will amass from this experiment.
Thanks in advance,