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Leaving table after a big pot.



Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 15, 2007
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I know it is frowned up on amongst poker players, not that , that really bothers me to much, lets face it, we are there to take other peoples money off them by lying to them :D

Bought in for $50 in a cash game at Full Tilt this evening and won a big pot. Was sitting there with $130. I played two more rounds and got out of there. There was a guy sitting there with over $200. It was in my mind that I was going to lose a big pot against him. Of course it can work the other way, and you can win a monster pot.

It is kind of like playing out of your bankroll for a while. What are your thoughts on it ? Do you do the same


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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Well if you're at a table where you're unsure you're the best player, then you probably shouldn't be there in the first place.

If there are similar >100BB stacks and you're on a tight enough bankroll that getting stacked would seriously affect you, then yeah, get right out of there. Otherwise, especially if you're well within your BR and the other deepstacked players are bad, then you should be playing for stacks asap before they leave/lose their stacks.


Silver Level
Aug 21, 2007
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I try to make myself leave a table once I have doubled my buy in. I don't care if other people get mad that I left, I will probably never play with them again.

I've never gotten upset if someone left after a big pot, there is plenty of people for me to get the money back from.


Silver Level
Aug 5, 2007
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I know it is frowned up on amongst poker players, not that , that really bothers me to much, lets face it, we are there to take other peoples money off them by lying to them :D

Bought in for $50 in a cash game at Full Tilt this evening and won a big pot. Was sitting there with $130. I played two more rounds and got out of there. There was a guy sitting there with over $200. It was in my mind that I was going to lose a big pot against him. Of course it can work the other way, and you can win a monster pot.

It is kind of like playing out of your bankroll for a while. What are your thoughts on it ? Do you do the same

If you mean two more orbits, nobody would frown on you for leaving. Two more hands, maybe, but I see your problem. The guy with $200 has three other people's stacks already, so he probably isn't so much of a fish.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2007
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i do it all the time. if i win a big pot, and expose my tactics, id rather leave then change those tactics, something i need to work on.


Silver Level
Nov 19, 2007
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I think it depends on how you are playing.If its late or your gonna quit soon anyway,then leave while your ahead.If you're running all over the table and feeling good,then stay and play.

I always try to leave a session ahead and to hit and run is a good method of doing that.Then again it is always nice to sit with a large stack and pick off pots here and there.

Long story short,do what you feel you should.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 15, 2007
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I don't think I am on a tight bank roll. Maybe a little close to the wire. £1600 playing $50 NL. I don't plan on moving up to $100 NL until I hit $2500 if that ever happens of course :)

I was actually close to calling it a day anyway, but I played two more BB before leaving. On the other side of things, if I lose a big pot, I usually do get out of there. Mainly to stop me going on tilt more than anything. Clear my head before playing again
Fat Stu

Fat Stu

Silver Level
Nov 11, 2007
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Wasn't aware that it was frowned upon, do it all the time, take off my winning and go back to another table that way I can't lose what i've won.


Silver Level
Aug 14, 2007
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Re: Leaving table after a big pot

There are many who feel that they should have at least one shot at getting at your big stack, or worse: try to get back the money that you took from them. I for one, don't leave right away. If I'm up huge then I have an opportunity to pick on the other players and feel that I can dominate the table, then I'm gonna lock in for a little bit longer.

Was playing micro-limit on PokerRoom recently and got up to about double of my buy-in and the closest to me was just above the regular buy-in. I knew players were gunning for me, so I just played super-tight and then picked on players when I was in good position and vs. players who would fold without too much of a fuss. If I want to walk away, I'll wait a 1-2 passes of the button, in case I get a situation to play in that I can't walk away from. I don't really care if others walk away right away. They don't want to lose their winnings and that's cool by me - others might cause a stink though, but it's really no point complaining to the rest of the table about it.

On the other hand, happened a long time ago, but will never forget it: Was on PokerRoom as well at this time, too bad I can't remember the player's name or keep it on file somewhere, b/c it was just plain wrong. Player wins a big pot to get well over double the buy-in. Then he/she leaves the table with the profits. 5 minutes later, comes back into same table and buys-back in for the minimum allowed! Can't stand rat-holers like that...even if it's a friendly live game at a stag or amongst friends playing a cash game.

Just can't believe/stomach those situations though...


Silver Level
Nov 19, 2007
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Wasn't aware that it was frowned upon, do it all the time, take off my winning and go back to another table that way I can't lose what i've won.

Exactly!Who cares if you leave,this is the internet.Frown upon me all you want.I'll leave when I'm damn well ready.

One example when I will leave is when I'm waiting for a big hand against a guy who feels he is Gus Hanson.After I stack his ass,I'll be damned if I hang around to let him have a chance to get his money back!

This isn't a live casino.I'm not tipping the virtual dealer,and I'm not hanging out just to make others happy.I'm in it to win it and that's the bottom line.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 26, 2007
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I don't see any difference between that and him going to another table for minimum buy-in and somebody else coming in to yours for minimum buy-in.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 17, 2006
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Wasn't aware that it was frowned upon, do it all the time, take off my winning and go back to another table that way I can't lose what i've won.

"Rat Holing" is similar. I know Stars doesn't let you go back, for maybe an hour and a half or so, to the same table after leaving, unless you buy-in for the amount you left with.

I believe it's bad etiquette if it's pure bad play, and a huge suck out, then you immediately leave, that'll twist a players panties most of the time. If it's pure bad play by the opponents part, because they're loose and trying to steal your $, then I say F'em. Skill>Luck=Thank You & Good Night.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 22, 2007
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i guess you can call me a hypocrite if you like lmaooo.
but I HATE hit n runners thats is only when they have my money lmaoooo,
however quick to the point if i win a monster pot and i have someone else's money then yup i usually go and take off also...
bummer, i guess i am a hypocrite now oh well just another name to my 10 million that people call me already hehehe
peace out (unwanted conman)


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2007
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I believe it's bad etiquette if it's pure bad play, and a huge suck out
Exactly. This is what really upsets me.
A terrible player makes a terrible call, sucks out big time, stacks me and leaves the table two hands later, probably because he's never won this much money through dumb luck in his entire life :banghead:


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 3, 2007
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its different in online poker, the social interaction is done via a chatbox and you have no "faces" to dissapoint only names, like seanyj said, there is not a large chance we will meet these people online again.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 26, 2007
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i've done this as well, but I feel like a heatbag for doing it


Silver Level
Sep 14, 2007
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I didn't realize it was bad ettiquette. At the home game I play at you have to announce 30 minutes in advance when you're going to leave. But the main reason there is at the start of the night there's a certain amount of money on the table. If people bust and buy back in there's more, but if someone wins a huge pot and has a significant amount of the chips on the table and then leaves, that could be a problem. Online you're just replaced by someone else. I see no reason leaving and returning whenever I feel like it.

But on the other hand, if I just won a big pot, I want to play more. If they're gunning for me, it's that much more likely they make a bad call and I stack them. Even if my win was a bad play where I sucked out, anything that alters the emotions of those at the table (Chris_Tc's reaction basically) is going to make them play worse. Anyone targeting a certain player or trying to get the money from the big stack is going to play worse. Now if I thought luck was the only reason I won and that I'm not good enough to consistently profit at the table, I'd get out of there. But at least at the current low limits I play online, I'm perfectly satisfied with being called a donkey and having twice the buy-in. I just make sure I make note of who's calling me a donkey and when I hit a hand, don't slow play against them, because I know if they have a decent to good hand they'll be willing to risk it all. Or if I think he may have missed I can check to him and let him bluff at it, wanting to take me down.


Silver Level
Nov 20, 2007
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I don't normally bolt. I did the other night because people had been hit and running + someone who sat was being rude to me. I also bolted when this guy was being a total jerk just cuz he went on tilt. Was blaming me for his bad play. Saw him as a bit of a land mine and decided to get out while I could.

But if folks are nice enough and not playing like total bots(all in then bolt when it works), yeah I'll stick around.

I've never simply doubled up though. So I give myself x amount of money to play above my double up.

It's a double edged sword though. I'll stick around to give someone a chance to win some of their money back, and then sadly(for them), I take their last bit of money. Don't mean to though.


Silver Level
Sep 14, 2007
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I don't normally bolt. I did the other night because people had been hit and running + someone who sat was being rude to me. I also bolted when this guy was being a total jerk just cuz he went on tilt. Was blaming me for his bad play. Saw him as a bit of a land mine and decided to get out while I could.

But if folks are nice enough and not playing like total bots(all in then bolt when it works), yeah I'll stick around.

I've never simply doubled up though. So I give myself x amount of money to play above my double up.

It's a double edged sword though. I'll stick around to give someone a chance to win some of their money back, and then sadly(for them), I take their last bit of money. Don't mean to though.

Wait, you recognized someone on tilt, and that's why you got up and left? Tilt = reckless with money = that money may end up in your stack.


Silver Level
Nov 20, 2007
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Right, I can recognize it but don't fully understand how to exploit it. Nobody's ever told me how. And it scares me. I don't want them taking me out with them.


Silver Level
Nov 20, 2007
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Okay lemme explain better. It was awhile back, so I'm not properly remembering the specifics. At any rate, it was just a 1c/2c table. I was practicing two things at once. Phil Gordon's advice in that article on Full Tilt. The one where he explains how to raise based on position. Also a friend's advice on how to play according to position + extract the maximum amount of money.

I'm not a wiz or anything so was practicing ya know? Earlier that evening I wigged someone out with a pre-flop raise. I had 10/9 but it was heads up. I was catching in that hand and betting/raising and she had I think it was a pair. After all was said and done and my cards were face up because of the win, well, she freaked. Started ranting about how I raised with 10/9. "Do you always raise with 10/9?" "Ya never know;)".

I was still trying to figure out what's so bad about raising with 10/9. At a new table because she left. I guess she thought I was being a maniac. And maybe I was. I dunno.

Anyway, there I was, and everything was going swimmingly. I didn't win every hand, nobody does. I was polite, "nh" here, "gh" there. The thing is, I was using the advice I had gotten earlier, both Phil's from his article, and my friend's. So when I won, I won quite a bit(just pennies, but you know, comparatively speaking).

Some folks left after I won a good sized pot(only hey, I hadn't bluffed it, I won it fair and square, except bluffing's fair and square too, hmmm). I guess they figured I was a luckbox(hey some nights I am, everybody gets lucky nights). But there was a straggler.

He stayed, rebought, went all-in with his hand and I called but only because I had a call-worthy hand and I won. Oh like I can help how the cards fall?(but he'd been playing poorly even b4 straggling) Anyway, he wigs out on me. Cussed me out, called me a racist, if he could think of it, he typed it. I should have put him on ignore. But no-o-o I didn't wanna miss out on any info and I'm an idiot. I just am okay?

He started calling me a bluffing stanky assed bitch. I'm sorry, that's abusive. It's also half true. I do bluff and I do have an ass. But I don't bluff crazy-mad. Only if I think the table's telling me it's okay(and sometimes I'm way wrong).

I figured it wasn't worth risking any money I had won, heck, I'd earned it by then, on his being nuts. So after he rebought, I let him have a blind and left. I guess a pro or even a very good player would have milked him dry. But I'm not a very good player, and I'm still learning. Also I didn't figure it was worth the abuse.

I still can't wrap my brain around it, because, if someone has my money, I'm either very quiet or sweet as maple syrup. I want them to stay, give me a chance to win back. That's just how I am. Oh I'll have the occasional hissy-fit, but I'm not that bad. More often I'm yelling at myself for playing wrong.

I gotta learn how to get every last penny out of someone on purpose(not gunning, but you know). I've done it a lot of times on accident. But I wanna do it on purpose. I'm ever so slightly evil.
Fat Stu

Fat Stu

Silver Level
Nov 11, 2007
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Done it just and the guy who I took money of fuming, watchd it a bit and he lost his stalk and rebought, Don't usually laugh at people in the chat box but I did this time.

Him and his mate had been slgging people play and it got to me eary on, because he claimed I out drew him with my AQ suited diamonds against his A10off. 2 diamonds and an ace on the flop and he had flopped 2 pair, of corse i'm going to call top pair with the nut flush draw. Bided my time an slowed played AA, and took $10 off him. Served him right.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 2, 2007
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I hate when people rathole. It just screams to me that the guy is a fish and he finally got lucky and wants to get out before he loses the money back. I don't even care too much if the guy sucks out on me and then loses the money back to someone else as long as it stays on the table. But when people win a big pot and then leave, I just think it is very rude. The only times I have done it is if I have said ahead of time I am leaving at a certain time, and then manage to win a big hand right before I leave.

As for people being on tilt, I would never leave a table if I knew someone was on tilt and had the money to make me staying worthwhile.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 14, 2007
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never lose an opportunity to build ur bankroll.. i would of left after the next hand...


Silver Level
Nov 20, 2007
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We're all forgetting something I think. The buddy feature. At UB they have buddy, and I know at Full Tilt they have a player search feature. Surely these types of features exist at other sites as well yeah?

Well I buddy people. Not everyone on my buddy list is a buddy. Everyone but buddies have stickers on their heads. Buddies I play all the time and don't need stickers for. But if you're not my buddy, and you just took a bunch off me, believe I'm gonna put you on the list.

Anyway, I wait and sure enough, sooner or later, I'm sitting at a table with someone who ran, and I get my money back. It wouldn't surprise me if most folks did this.

I'm sure I've run with someone's money and they buddied me. I would.

Also, if I take a lot off of folks who leave, then I totally bank and everyone understands.

Then there's that table where people go to show off their BR. They've got lots and lots of money. Way more than me. I was worried before and my friend told me they're there regularly. Their bankrolls are growing too. They're not getting it back from me, they're getting it back from tournaments and stuff, and then some. So I never feel bad rat holing at that table.

Oh hey, yeah, I rat hole! Just not at every table :D. Just remembered, I've been known to rat hole. I'm saving my pennies okay?