Poker Orifice
And Still...
Platinum Level
I don't think OP feels bad about losing... pretty sure he feels bad about winning (or 'taking')You must reflect on duality and dissolve it through letting go of control or emotional reaction. Nothing is right or wrong, everything is about phases in which we must learn something, we find it very sad to lose, but sometimes we lose because we didn't put in the right effort to improve the game, other times we lose because this activity is the right activity for us , or also because we don't do it from the heart. Every path is always teaching you something. Other people's insults are not about who you are, you have to keep that in mind and know who you are, people's reactions are not about you, don't let anyone get under your skin.
If you reflect deeply, there is no activity you can do, or be successful at, without someone feeling harmed. The whole world is like this and all things are, but the only problem is that everyone blames circumstances, people and the world, forgetting to change and know themselves.