how many hands for a sample size?



Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 11, 2007
Total posts
alright my question is as follows.
In febuary i played in 628 sngs with a roi of +13
In march i played in 450 with an roi of -5

those 628 time flys, those 450 feel like purgatory...i mean 3 handed 2nd in chips lose with AK vs a4....over and over and over.

My question is how big of a sample size do i need to say okay im making a profit in this, this is what i should be playing. I mean i feel like im playing even better in march than i was in febuary, i cashed out like 3 times in feb, now my bankroll is hurting from march, i just did sqeak out iron man.

And what is a good ROI for 9 handed sngs?

thanks ppl
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