Hallowe'en Icons/Avatars in online Poker



Silver Level
Aug 14, 2007
Total posts
This is a total aside from the regular poker talk but thought it would be fun to throw it out there since it is somewhat poker-related:

So I decided to play a ring game on PokerRoom.com yesterday and I saw that they got into the whole Hallowe'en thing. Totally threw me off at first glance. You can check it out on all their tables. It's kinda nice they're into the whole Hallowe'en thing. It would be funny if they keep it once Hallowe'en is over and just have it to throw people off since they've already thrown away the costumes and people have gorged through the candy they collected (Yes, I still know people who go Trick-or-Treatin' - some of you may as well - but probably with your kids and family members) or have gone through the stuff that hasn't been given out. You have to keep some of the good stuff for yourself!!

Do other sites do this sort of thematic icons/avatars for Hallowe'en or any other special occasions throughout the year?