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breaking through and cashing in freerolls



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Aug 12, 2007
Total posts
How do you make it to the money in freerolls ...... with people moving all in all the time..... people catching 1 outers on the river...... I can't seem to cash in these freerolls with idiot players all around who seem to call and move with any two cards because to them its just a freerolls.... I seem to always finish in the money when there is an entry fee of $5 or above .... players seem to value the chip stacks a little more and aren't big gun slingers as like the people in the freerolls. I am a goal oriented person.... I could easily say to hell with the free roll and add money back into my account... However I feeL I have to win or place in the money in a freeroll simply for the glory.... 15-50 bucks is an added incentive (not the main concern)..... but I set goals and I like to achieve them.... but I see to be missing something from my game..... its doesn't matter if I am playing with the best hand when the money's in ...... I seem to get sucked out
example ....... I am playing with pockets 6's and the blinds are 150- 300..... The hand before I took a bad beat ( a guy moved all in with 10/9 off suit I called his remaining 4000 with pocket A's.... the guy hits the str8 on the river) ok so now I have 2900 (less then 10 times the big blind with my pocket 6's) ..... I really don't want to move all in pre flop with 6's so I raise just enough get some people out of the hand and see the flop hopping I trip up..... the flop comes 4h 8c 8s there are 3 players in the pot excluding myself they all act before me and check to me I put in a info bet to fish out any slow playing monsters and becuase the quick check made me sense weakness... one guy calls the other to flod... The turn brings a 2d.... the player checks and I have about 1700 left I move in believing the quick check was a sign of weakness and that my 6's are good.... the guy calls and has a 4 and an ace I believe.... and what does the river bring ....another 4.... I asked the guy how could make that call and his answer is "Its just a stupid freeroll.... and the worst part is another player said he laid down A 4 after my raise....please help me adjust my game with any tips ..... did I misplay my hand? ...... I am playing to tight ? Should I have moved all in pre flop?.....I want to improve my game so all comment are welcomed.... (as long as the pertain to poker )
How do outplay these jack asses who call you with anything and hit 1 & 2 outers on the river.....


Silver Level
May 28, 2007
Total posts
Just play your poker. Use the fact that people shove all-in so often to your advantage. You have a good / ok hand and think you are at an advantage, call and if you win then you just doubled your stack. Then repeat.


Silver Level
Aug 5, 2007
Total posts
What works best for me in these freerolls is to play tight. I mean REALLY tight at the beginning. People see that and they get scared when you actually do play a hand.

It's a little annoying when you keep getting moved from table to table, because you have to start all over again at every table. But it works for me.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 19, 2007
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Depends on the FR to me. When Tilt was having the wsop and Poker After Dark freerolls, I would just join the donkfest at the beginning. If you fail, there will be anothere one in 30 seconds...

For the other ones, see above. Tight aggressive is the way to go. You WILL get paid off on your big hands.


Silver Level
Jul 15, 2007
Total posts
Playing only freerolls it took Chris Ferguson 7 months to get a bankroll of $6.50 and keep it. That alone should tell you that no matter how good you are you have to be a bit lucky to cash in a freeroll. I count myself a slightly better than average player. I play alot of freerolls. I have cashed in less than 5% of them and gone deep in only 3(one of which was the first FTP cardschat freeroll I played in which i placed 6th).:party:


Silver Level
May 28, 2007
Total posts
What works best for me in these freerolls is to play tight. I mean REALLY tight at the beginning. People see that and they get scared when you actually do play a hand.

It's a little annoying when you keep getting moved from table to table, because you have to start all over again at every table. But it works for me.

In most freerolls, I'd say 90%+, people don't pay attention to your tight play at the beginning and even if you never played one hand, and it's almost at the break and you go all-in you can get a few callers with A-rag or and 2 suited cards.


is watching you
Silver Level
Mar 5, 2007
Total posts
Playing only freerolls it took Chris Ferguson 7 months to get a bankroll of $6.50 and keep it. That alone should tell you that no matter how good you are you have to be a bit lucky to cash in a freeroll. I count myself a slightly better than average player. I play alot of freerolls. I have cashed in less than 5% of them and gone deep in only 3(one of which was the first FTP cardschat freeroll I played in which i placed 6th).:party:

7 months to get $6.50???? :eek: Well he cant of played in many, because you can make alot more money then that in freerolls!!


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jul 7, 2006
Total posts
The secret is to win hands w AA:

fulltiltpoker Game #3301239993: Cardschat.com Freeroll (21660486), Table 14 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:37:37 ET - 2007/08/19
Seat 1: Madmies (2,840)
Seat 2: Euro05 (1,445)
Seat 3: Xx Davidoff xX (1,545), is sitting out
Seat 4: Sissel9 (4,265)
Seat 5: ziggymom (1,645)
Seat 6: LoDog33 (1,235)
Seat 7: aliengenius (2,760)
Seat 8: Dank Hugh (4,830)
Seat 9: PucHed (2,755)
Madmies posts the small blind of 30
Euro05 posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to aliengenius A♠ A♥
Xx Davidoff xX folds
Sissel9 has 15 seconds left to act
Sissel9 calls 60
ziggymom calls 60
LoDog33 folds
aliengenius raises to 315 I have not played a hand in a long time, yet...
Dank Hugh folds
PucHed calls 315 one
Madmies calls 285 two
Euro05 calls 255 three people call me !
Sissel9 has 15 seconds left to act
Sissel9 folds
aliengenius: lol
ziggymom folds
*** FLOP *** K♣ 7♠ 2♦ the perfect flop with so many in ?
Madmies checks
Euro05 checks
aliengenius has 15 seconds left to act
aliengenius bets 1,380
PucHed has 15 seconds left to act
PucHed calls 1,380
Madmies folds
Euro05 folds
*** TURN *** K♣ 7♠ 2♦ 10♠
aliengenius bets 1,065, and is all in
PucHed calls 1,060, and is all in
aliengenius shows A♠ A♥
PucHed shows J♥ K♠
Uncalled bet of 5 returned to aliengenius
*** RIVER *** K♣ 7♠ 2♦ 10♠ J♣
aliengenius shows a pair of Aces
PucHed shows two pair, Kings and Jacks
PucHed wins the pot (6,260) with two pair, Kings and Jacks


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 14, 2007
Total posts
Play tight for the first hour than loosen up after that. As long as you have chips at the first break its pretty easy sailing from there. You'll need a little luck but if you loosen up your game you should get a little further.

Good luck in the freerolls


Silver Level
Mar 28, 2005
Total posts
7 months to get $6.50???? :eek: Well he cant of played in many, because you can make alot more money then that in freerolls!!
He played exclusively on his contracted site, Full Tilt. The multi-table freerolls there have 2400 entrants for stud/razz/horse tourneys and 2700 for omaha/hold em. The hold 'em tourneys fill up within seconds after opening, and the others within a couple of minutes. They pay only the top 24 and 27, respectively, with a $50 prize pool. If you can cash regularly in fields of that size, playing for four or five hours against the biggest collection of donks ever assembled, you're either very, very good or very, very lucky. And even when you do, first place only pays $15. I've been playing at least two freerolls a day on Full Tilt for two weeks now and I haven't even come close to sniffing a payout. Best finish has been 34th.

As to technique, I don't play anything but AA, KK, QQ, or AK suited for the first two hours, unless I'm limping in from the big blind. In the third hour, after everyone has labelled me a hopeless rock, I'll start mixing it up with lesser hands to take some blinds and small pots. Unless I get the monsters cracked early, which happens to everyone sometimes, I can stick around for quite a while. And in freerolls, survival is the only goal before the final table.
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Broomcorn's uncle
Bronze Level
Aug 6, 2007
Total posts
RammerJammer's nailed it - if he was only playing at Full Tilt, he's got an uphill battle to build from nothing. They don't run many freerolls, the ones they do run have either 2400 or 2700 players in them, and they're hardly deepstacks where you can make some moves.

Say you do finally cash for a couple of bucks... the only options you've really got are $1.25 SnGs, because the lowest cash games the site offers are 5/10c. There's only really four SnG options too - 9 or 90 player NLHE, or 8-player HORSE or Razz (from memory). It's very much an uphill battle.

I'm still trying to do it, but I'm probably some kind of poker masochist :p So far I've cashed in one freeroll for $2, then I was the bubble boy in the $1.25 SnG I played. Now I'm back to the start again.

Anywho... long story short, you need to play well, but you need to get lucky too.

Oh - I haven't tried, but from what I can tell you might have an easier time doing the same thing on pokerstars - more freerolls, and 1/2c cash games give you more options?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 1, 2007
Total posts
PokerStars Freerolls

PokerStars Freerolls...
No easy feat there either, considering the normal Freerolls in NLHE are 10,000 entrants deep most of the times.
Then you Qualify for the Round 2 if you make 27th and up.
Weekly Round 2 Freeroll - Top prize of $166 depending on entrants.
Usually around 3500 players.
The other options on PokerStars is the Country where you live in Freerolls.
USA has 2 Freerolls of $200 (daily)
1st place wins $32. and those usually take up to 7 hrs.
I play in the Canadian $200 Freerolls all the time and getting to the bubble is a task in itself.
468 places are paid out of 8,000(max.) entrants.
1st level payout is $0.10 and the dollars don't hit the payout scale until 8th place.
It seems that because there is money 'to-go' in the $200 freerolls the play is more LAG is style and the effort of 7 hrs. MTT wears on you and $32 doesn't look so appealing anymore.

I played in the "Event" Freeroll for Canada exclusive.
It is called the C.F.L. 1 Mill. Challenge.
And the top 200 Qualify to Play in Round 2
That one has max. 7500
I played in it and made it to 105/7500
I Qualified to Play in Round 2.
I won $2.50 as a result of my effort.
The Round 2 has a better pay-out there
1330 Entrants - 150 get paid
  • 150-46th=$5
  • 45-10th=$10
  • 9th-7th=$25
  • 6th=$50
  • 5th=$75
  • 4th=$100
  • 3rd=$150
  • 2nd=$200
  • 1st Gets $1000 to cover Airfare and Expenses - and
- To Play in a Tournament against 9 other Qualifiers and some Football Pro's
during the Canadian Grey Cup (SuperBowl of Canada)
The Winner of that 'Live' Event gets to play in
The PokerStars Carribean Adventure for TOP prize of $ 1 Million
And VIP Tickets to the Big Football Championship
4 days hotel accomodation
VIP access to parties and concerts
VIP pass to the Maxim party
VIP seating with CFL stars at the Grey Cup

*Keep in mind that this is a promotional Event freeroll. But still a Freeroll none the Less. The Levels for this are 10 min. and starting stack is 1500 chips.

I mostly Play the PokerStars Freerolls to challenge myself through the Donkeyfest and Fishing Derby,
and if I happen to Qualify for a Round 2 -
(I am reflecting that 10,ooo Players to wade through at the Amateur to
Semi-Pro Level of Play and compare it to the WSOP at 7500 entrants..
..and I can say that online at least I am a decent player.)

My recall is having to win at least 32 pots to get there, and
Play about 28% of the Hands to the flop of about 200 Hands dealt.
And must have a pots won at Showdown of 85% at least..
or Slide rule the Pots won to more around 50 and 70% at showdown.
When I Qualified My last stat that I was able to keep was as follows..
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 186 hands and saw flop:
- 8 out of 19 times while in big blind (42%)
- 10 out of 22 times while in small blind (45%)
- 32 out of 145 times in other positions (22%)
- a total of 50 out of 186 (26%)
Pots won at showdown - 18 of 21 (85%)
Pots won without showdown - 5

That was all I could get for stats because my connection was lagging and
I had to reboot so I lost some of the stats..
But to that point I was at about 45,500 in Chips
blinds were 400/800 50ante
There were about 375 players still in the Tournament. (*10 min. Levels)

So there is some reference to the Freerolls that I can offer.
One more thing about PokerStars Freerolls that Qualify you for the Weekly Round 2 ($160.oo top prize)
The options are varied such as
  • NL/FL Omaha Hi
  • NL/FL Omaha Hi/Lo (both NL & FL are seperate Qualifiers)
  • FL Stud 7 draw & FL Stud 7 draw hi/lo
  • H.O.R.S.E freeroll
  • FL Hold'Em Freeroll
I have found that Omaha Hi has been a better way to Qualify,
as there are usually only around 4500 entrants in those.
And about 900+ are Sitters that don't play and another 1500 that don't have a clue..
and blow the chips right away. After the 1st break the best cream rises to the top.
Fixed Limit (3500 entrants)is really the Best In the Omaha Hi,to Qualify in.
Usually about 400-500 Sitters and 800-1000 don't have a clue.
The usual Idiots bust out right away trying to build. (Raising incessantly with nothing.)
Whereas the 'Good' Players just Bring in the play and bet,
when they have a hand...etc. (usually after the 1st Break is when it stabilizes in play.)

~Thats my take on Freerolls on PokerStars anyway~
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atleast 1

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Dec 14, 2007
Total posts
doese anyone know the password for fridays freerole on ultimate bet for the 11th of january .


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 18, 2007
Total posts
I've no idea how to do it...but I can certainly tell you how not to. Read this:

Diary of a Crap Poker Player

Suggest you start from Day 1 and go from there.
Good luck


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Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 24, 2007
Total posts
all i can tell you is to pick your spots, granted your gonna have your suckouts...but thats poker

i flushed you

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 24, 2009
Total posts
if ur a talented poker player you can pick and choose when and not to play the noobs


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 15, 2008
Total posts
PLay tight, very tight, be patient and disciplined. Moreover, find the private free rolls, many less people in them, plus they dont play as wild. It does work....Good luck in your efforts.
Real Money Poker - Real Money Casinos Freeroll Passwords