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An Article by Phil Hellmuth!



Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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Exploit an opponent's tell[font=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Given one ''TV table'' for ESPN at the 2005 World Series of Poker, who would you choose to play on that table: Table A with Mike ''The Mouth'' Matusow and nine unknown amateurs, or Table B with Hall-of-Famers Phil Ivey and John Juanda, alongside great players Can Hua and Farzad ''Freddy'' Bonyadi? Not surprisingly, ESPN chose The Mouth and the nine amateurs.

Poker is about entertainment these days, and whether or not Matusow ever reaches the Hall of Fame, he is certainly entertaining to watch. You never know whether he will laugh or break down and cry, needle someone else, do the now famous ''Matusow blow up'' (giving away all of his chips in one fell swoop after days of great play), or get in a verbal fight with another player, resulting in a 10-minute penalty for him and the other player.

Despite Mike's eccentricities, let's not forget his good heart. Not to mention that he was the only great player to make the final table, finishing ninth in a field of 5,600 players.

And although Table B would have shown much more advanced poker play, that doesn't guarantee it would have been exciting to watch on television. Much like professional wrestling, excitement and personality are appealing elements in poker.

During his 2005 WSOP run, Matusow noticed a key tell on a fairly new brick-and-mortar player named Dustin Woolf. Although Woolf is relatively new to the brick-and-mortar game, he is a legend in the Internet poker world. Ironically, Woolf's name at UltimateBet.com is ''Neverwin,'' but believe me when I tell you that Neverwin has won millions of dollars playing online poker.

Still, the difference between playing online poker and playing brick-and-mortar poker, face to face, is like night and day.

One key difference is that you do not have to disguise yourself online and worry about tells. After all, when you are in your den, it's just you and your computer with no one to look you in the eye when you're attempting a bluff. Thus, when Woolf had a strong hand in a real poker room he always threw his chips into the pot in a splashing sort of way. Imagine a stack of chips falling over when an opponent flings them into the pot.

But when Woolf had a weak hand, he always said ''I raise,'' and then carefully placed the chips into the pot.

Matusow picked up on this tell and was ready to take advantage when the time was right.

Later, one player called the $10,000 bet, Matusow called with Qh-Jh, and then Woolf raised it up, making a big raise of about $80,000. Woolf said ''I raise,'' and then carefully set the chips down into the pot.

So Matusow picked up on this weak tell and thought he could take advantage of it. But rather than re-raise right immediately and win the $100,000-plus pot, Matusow thought, ''Let me call this and then wait for him to bluff on the flop as well.'' The flop was a good one for Matusow, giving him and open-ended straight draw with a board of K-10-4. Now Woolf bet out $250,000, saying, ''I bet,'' and setting the chips into the pot carefully. Matusow, though, decided to let Woolf bluff one more time (on the next round of betting) and just called the bet. With a six on the turn, Woolf checked, and now Matusow said, ''I'm all-in.'' Woolf folded his hand lightning fast, and Matusow put the extra $330,000 into his stack.

Let's see, that's $330,000 for Matusow simply because he had a strong tell on Woolf, and had the skill and panache to take full advantage of that tell. Maybe Matusow was a good choice for the TV table after all.

I, for one, look forward to seeing that hand again on ESPN soon. (You can see all of the action next month during ESPN's coverage.)
By Phil Hellmuth


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 29, 2005
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CBS Sportsline:

Now Hellmuth doesn't seem to us like all that dangerous a gent; in fact, for those of you hooked on TV cards, you must have figured by now that Hellmuth is roughly 94 percent schtick, and growing richer by the week because of it. He is the clinical TV-level good player/bad sport, and because he has the tantrum part down so tight, he can last as a cable icon every bit as long as, say, Sam Kinison.


Silver Level
Oct 7, 2005
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Wasn't that article just ripped straight from PokerPlayer magazine? It is a good illustration of an offline tell... the thing is each person has their own offline tells, from the obvious nearly jumping out of their seat when they hit a monster hand, to scratching their chin when they miss, or whatever.
Offline tells are hard for me - I mainly play online, so I'm always convinced that I've got some blatant tells in a home game...


Scary Clown
Silver Level
Apr 3, 2005
Total posts
you must have figured by now that Hellmuth is roughly 94 percent schtick, and growing richer by the week because of it

When John McEnroe plays in the oldies tennis tournaments these days he admits he has to play to his image or the fans who have paid to see him throw a wobbly are disappointed! :p
