A Member
Silver Level
Not sure what is happening lately but people seem to be playing any 2 suited cards regardless of position or blinds. I was fairly deep in a UB SNG where the blinds were at 100/200 and I was on the button with KK. I pushed a 1000 chip raise and had one caller that had limped in. The flop came K-9-2 rainbow giving me a set of kings. The limper checked and I bet allin - he called. Turn and river were runner-runner spades and limper turned over the 8-5 of spades for a flush.
This has been happening so often lately that I'm just about ready to quit poker as it's no longer a game of skill - just throw your money in the pot and play showdown. On a happier note, I survived one of these any 2 card flushes earlier in the day and won a 45 seat SNG on Stars. The limper had 6-3 of hearts and I had A-J of hearts - a little justice...
This has been happening so often lately that I'm just about ready to quit poker as it's no longer a game of skill - just throw your money in the pot and play showdown. On a happier note, I survived one of these any 2 card flushes earlier in the day and won a 45 seat SNG on Stars. The limper had 6-3 of hearts and I had A-J of hearts - a little justice...