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10 max vs 25max



Silver Level
Feb 22, 2007
Total posts
Ok well My BR slipped down to 250 again and I have realized i need to stick to my original BR rules and not play 25max because i do not have enough BR to cover the variance. My game is quite loose agressive both PF and PostFlop in the 25 max games and i am very good at getting people to fold generally. My problem with 10 max is people dont fold they donk it up for the most part so I want to know how i need to play at 10 max. I was thinking of playing tighter PF so i have easier decisions post flop? any advice is appreciated.
P.S. ZachVac If you read this I would like to hear your advice as i have seen ur Blog and such.
everyone else i would like your advice as well.


I'm sweet enough!
Silver Level
Feb 18, 2007
Total posts
Heatfan what are your vpip/pfr stats? Are you playing full ring or 6max? I have just moved up from 25nl 6max on Stars and I found there were enough poor players there to be reasonably profitable. Just play TAG and you'll be fine. If your playing 6max then stats of 18/14, 20/15 should be fine with an AF of 2+. I actually play a 20/12 ish type of game. I tend to flat call on occasions in pos to see some flops.

Just make sure you have an adequate BR for the level your playing so your not worrying about it.


Silver Level
Feb 22, 2007
Total posts
Heatfan what are your vpip/pfr stats? Are you playing full ring or 6max? I have just moved up from 25nl 6max on Stars and I found there were enough poor players there to be reasonably profitable. Just play TAG and you'll be fine. If your playing 6max then stats of 18/14, 20/15 should be fine with an AF of 2+. I actually play a 20/12 ish type of game. I tend to flat call on occasions in pos to see some flops.

Just make sure you have an adequate BR for the level your playing so your not worrying about it.

well thats why im moving to 10max my br cant handle 25max.


Silver Level
Sep 14, 2007
Total posts
From my experience it was the exact opposite, way more people calling and bluffing at 25nl than at 10nl. At 10nl 9 times out of 10 a PFR and post-flop cbet takes down the pot. I just played position, relatively loose preflop, and pretty much cbet almost every flop. But if your cbet is called you cannot bet unless you are willing to reach showdown. Not many people at 10nl will call your PFR and the cbet and then fold, they get married to their hands too much. Also don't try to get too fancy, they won't even notice anything. Good luck, hopefully you can rebound and be back up to 25nl pretty soon.


Silver Level
Feb 22, 2007
Total posts
From my experience it was the exact opposite, way more people calling and bluffing at 25nl than at 10nl. At 10nl 9 times out of 10 a PFR and post-flop cbet takes down the pot. I just played position, relatively loose preflop, and pretty much cbet almost every flop. But if your cbet is called you cannot bet unless you are willing to reach showdown. Not many people at 10nl will call your PFR and the cbet and then fold, they get married to their hands too much. Also don't try to get too fancy, they won't even notice anything. Good luck, hopefully you can rebound and be back up to 25nl pretty soon.

yeah that was my problem before( the people calling cbets and then not folding when they should to the scare card i am bluffing and such.
and yeah I after seeing u move up the stakes starting at 250 (well 280 but yeah) u have inspired me to follow proper managment and it will be worth it when i can play properly rolled.