Why can't I win consistently??



Silver Level
Mar 18, 2006
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Hey guys, I'm a newbie here. I've been playing holdem for about a year and a half now, and I play quite a bit online.

I play a tight aggressive game, not playing a lot of hands. What drives me crazy about internet is I go on a good run and pad my bankroll. But then after that, I take a couple real good suckouts with maybe a bad play or two mixed in there, and I'm back to square one. I've been repeating this process for the past few months.

As a whole I'm ahead, but I'm unable to keep a consistent profit going. I've mostly been playing on .25-.50 ring games, which I seem to take a lot more crappier beats at that level. Also to add, I almost always come out ahead in home games and casinos.

What can I do to make more money on the internet??


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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forget the ring games
if you have a solid game and can hold your own then play the $5 or $10 SnGs for a constant bankroll pad
the sit n gos are the best way to pad your bankroll and slowly build it up
you will have your good and bad streaks obviously but they're the best way to winning
ring games are just too retarded to actually have a solid income unless you play higher stakes IMO


Silver Level
Nov 10, 2005
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Yep, SnG's are the way to go for bankroll enhancement. I even look for 6-player ones and turbos to keep my hourly profit up. You CAN hit bad streaks there, also. But you only lose the buy-in.

As far as your ring play: If you mean that you play 25c/50c LIMIT tables, you might as well be playing play money. A raise or check-raise doesn't hold much weight and most humans will take the bargain and chase. The raise just enhances the pot. Even 50c/$1 has it's share of chasers, but you might give it or higher stakes a try.

If you mean you play 25c/50c NO-LIMIT tables, try stepping down to 10c/25c. The max table buy-in is usually $25 and a $5 flop bet carries more weight in relation to the average stack.


Silver Level
Mar 18, 2006
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Hi guys thanks for the advice.

I play alot of big tourneys with mixed results. Few wins, final tables but toough to make money. I will try more SNG


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2006
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i am in the same boat mate, live play at the casino i win alot, home games i like to play very loose and have a laugh so i wont include them, internet i win a heap of SnG's and increase the cash, then i will play in big tourneys and ring games and lose it so i go back to the SnG's and win money again, its a cycle im happy with, i have no intention of erning a living from internet poker so i dont mind, and quite frankly i find internet poker a bit hard to swallow at the best of times
Kenzie 96

Kenzie 96

May 21, 2005
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MrSticker said:
Yep, SnG's are the way to go for bankroll enhancement. I even look for 6-player ones and turbos to keep my hourly profit up. You CAN hit bad streaks there, also. But you only lose the buy-in.
Some of the sites have shorthanded (usually 5 seat) S&G's that pay 2 places. Just find a buyin level that you are comfortable at & if you do in fact play a patient, tight, aggressive game you will consistently make money. These usually average 30 to 40+ minutes per game. No matter the buyin there are going to be donks playing, but my experience has been that from about $10 & up there are at least fewer of them & you can usually pick them out quickly, that is of course unless you is the donk. lol.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Feb 5, 2006
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Try this plan out.......

I got this from an other site......check it out .....i know it talks about the 10c sit an goes found on a poker site called the fishtank....but if you adjust to your sites lowest price sit an go it still works....as long as your honest..... to come back down a level or admit that your cant beat players at a certain level

Hope this helps........

Andy Bee

A lot of you have been reading my efforts at mastering SNG's starting at the 10c level. Since I'm a BAD PLAYER (tm), my personal rule is that I have to finish in the money 50% of the time over a 100 game stretch. This is my choice while I'm learning the game even though I have enough money to play higher.

In thinking it over and talking with several members, we've come up with a "Fast Track" method to build a bankroll. I think it is just safe as any method I'm using and will be a lot of fun to try out.

The idea is that you can move up a level when you have 20 full buyins at your current level plus one buyin at the next level. The catch is that you have to move back down if you ever fall below that level. For example, if you start at the 10c SNG's:

You can play 25c when you have $2.47 ($2.20 + .27)
You can play 50c when you have $5.95 ($5.40 + .55)

I did a little test assuming we knew we could get in the money 50% of the time with an even distribution of 1st, 2nd and 3rd, give us and ROI of 36%, which is very good. Following the Fast Track bankroll rules, it would take 240 SNG's to turn $2.20 into $200. (Note that I've played 142 10c SNG's and have won $2)

A few things to note:

We would spend an average of 36 games at each level before moving up - of course a hot or cold streak might change that, but moving up every 36 games or so seems very reasonable.

Once we reached $200 we would be playing $10 SNGs and coming close to moving up to the $15 ones.

If we continued this until we had 20 buyins at the top Fishtank SNG ($200 + $15) we would have a bankroll of $4300. (I didn't try to figure out how many games that would take - if you make enough to stay at the $10 you'll be winning a lot of money)

Try it out ..... its low risk... an you know where you are.......

Andy bee:)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2006
Total posts
also try this, i used it for the first time in a freeroll, now although i played predictable poker for the most part pre flop, it was left up to me to play post flop, so its not a bible, but i came 4th and i actually gave away 1.4 million in chips coz it was 12am and i had to get up early, I COULD HAVE WON EASILY WITH THIS CHART.

The trick is not be a predictable player, top ten hands only will see you loose very few pots, but you will also win very little pots, mix it up, read teh articles, anyway here is teh chart, feel free to use it, and thank chuckt for it, i just modernised the look of it

