rebuy torney



Rock Star
Silver Level
Feb 19, 2008
Total posts
I'm playing in a live rebuy this weekend and was wondering what the best style for these type. I'm a pretty straight forward player as in tight aggresive. So should i play the same style and hope other people are playing loose and double up off of them. Or play loose with the rebuys. I also thought of getting below the starting stack and then rebuy to double up and then use the add on so then i triple the starting stack. Here is the format we are going to use.

$5000 in starting chips. At any time during the rebuy period (first 3 levels of blinds) you are at or below this starting amount you can rebuy. If you are broke ($0 chips) you can buy up to $10000 in chips (this would cost you $40).

This time around I am allowing half stack rebuys and add-ons for $10. So if you're low or felted and don't want to invest the full $20 you can get $2500 in chips for $10. At the end of the rebuy period you will have the option to add-on a half stack for $10 or a full stack for $20, no matter what your chip count. I will allow for multiple add-ons as long as your chip count AFTER add-ons does not exceed $12,500 in chips. So For those with $2500 or less in their stack at the add-on stage can add a full double stack for $20 instead of just 1.5 stacks. If you were at $5000 you could do 1.5 add-ons for $30. If you were broke you could add 2.5 stacks for $50.

This really isn't as confusing as it sounds and it was a blast when we had a rebuy a few months ago. As for the bounties, they are only paid once at the very beginning when you buy your entry and get your initial stack and are only turned in when you are knocked out and do not or cannot rebuy.

Blinds will be:
25/50 - 20 minutes
50/100 - 20 minutes
75/150 - 20 minutes
Add-ons and Break (re-buys have ended after this)
100/200 - 20 minutes
150/300 - 20 minutes
200/400 - 20 minutes
Break (if needed)
300/600 - 20 minutes
400/800 - 20 minutes
500/1000 - 30 minutes *Longer for this level as this is where we'll start loosing a lot of folks I think
Break (if needed) *if on schedule it will be about midnight
600/1200 - 20 minutes
700/1400 - 20 minutes
800/1600 - 20 minutes
Break (if needed)
1000/2000 - 20 minutes
1200/2400 - 20 minutes
1500/3000 - 20 minutes
Break (if neeeded)
2000/4000 - 20 minutes
2500/5000 - 20 minutes
3000/6000 - 20 minutes
Break (if needed)
5000/10000 - 20 minutes
7000/14000 - 20 minutes
10000/20000 - 20 minutes