Rampaging Rox



Silver Level
Feb 22, 2007
Total posts
There is so much to say about Rampaging. Now i realize maybe rampaging does not work for everyone but it works for me !!!!!! My main strength in Poker is playing short stacked which is what rampaging is all about. I can almost always win money fast but then when i have more money i dont know what to do. lol

anyways Saturday with another 100 dollars deposited into my fulltiltaccount i learnt the wonders of Rampaging. I read the threads about it. So i tried it out.

And wham after 2 days I more than doubled my bankroll to 230 bucks. ! WAHOOOO

I have finally found something that works for me...

OK now why am i making this post? To gloat? No, Its to inform people who feeel they can play shortstacked well and play very good poker but only when shortstacked to give it a try.

It should work for u if thats how u are.

the greatest part about it is u can gain cash FAST but u wont be scared when ur playing with 40 bucks (half my bankroll at one point) on the table because I at least think of it as a SitNGo(stole that from titans4ever) and that i have put 5 bucks into it and am just gonna see where it leads.
its great everyone should give it A TRY!!!!

oh btw just woke up and saw my bankroll not believing it was real so i had to post this for sure. GL at the tables everyone


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 18, 2007
Total posts
glad to see someone making some dough from this approach was getting tired of seeing all the red in the rampaging contest thread :p hope you find continued success with it :).