Silver Level
With someone who won't raise pre-flop with a top 10 hand..
Watched them twice just call with A,K JJ's and 10's but called an all-in bet with ace,2 unsuited.
Noted them down as such.. but how do you deal with someone who just doesn't pre-flop raise any top 10 pre-flop hand?
Yet also noted them as they do over value Kings and Aces.. Played alot of those with crap kickers.
This person also is a calling station.. cause if the rag kicker puts them on a pair. They hope the king, ace will come or trips.
Basically how would you play against a person like this?
You can't walk on egg shells and you can't over power them with a strong bet. I've dealt with a quite a few diffrent opponents but this one is actually very new to me.
Watched them twice just call with A,K JJ's and 10's but called an all-in bet with ace,2 unsuited.
Noted them down as such.. but how do you deal with someone who just doesn't pre-flop raise any top 10 pre-flop hand?
Yet also noted them as they do over value Kings and Aces.. Played alot of those with crap kickers.
This person also is a calling station.. cause if the rag kicker puts them on a pair. They hope the king, ace will come or trips.
Basically how would you play against a person like this?
You can't walk on egg shells and you can't over power them with a strong bet. I've dealt with a quite a few diffrent opponents but this one is actually very new to me.