Four Dogs
Silver Level
I'm posting this in the strategy section, because, in my opinion, that is what this is. I payed a heads up last night at Full Tilt against some chump named Fenix13. About the third hand in I picked up a pair of 2's and just went all-in with it. What happend was what I hoped would happen. He folded. I showed my dueces just for fun and he immediately went off on me. "Gay hand!" "You must be a fag!"(Not that there's anything wrong with that). My game definately went down from there. I was convinced, that everything he did was an intimidation. As it turned out he was acctually better than I gave him credit for. I eventually picked up top pair, queens, with an obvious flush in his favor after the river. "Just call and give me your 5 bucks Faggot, I haven't got all night". I felt so violated that I had to call.