Multi tabling downfall.



Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 24, 2005
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I was in the poker stars 10K yesterday, and with multiple re-buys (3$) the final pot reached 29,000$ The money started at position 396 (24$). It was down to 340 players and I was in 33rd position. At the time I had 4 tournaments going ( most were scheduled ahead, the 10k was a whim entry). I at least had the forsight to withdraw from the CC Sunday game, as I thought it would just be too much. I'm bopping back and forth to all of the games when I get dealt A Js in the 10k. My entire table is somewhat loose for being that late into the game except me and one other player who are playing tight aggressive. I raise 4x the BB on my bet and this other player calls. Flop comes 10-10-A. I have a showdown on 2 of the other tables. Bop into stars real quick and make an overly aggressive bet on the 2 pair. Check the other games (won both) and when I get back to stars and see the button for calling the raise i hit it by instinct I guess because now I'm all in against......A 10. I get a jack and a rag on the rest and my 3 hrs of really good card play is done. Knowing this other players betting, I fold this hand because I know he's on a 10. But not paying close enough attention to that game in particular cost me. Not sure how I would have fared, but obviously higher than 338th.


Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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I have limited my mult tabling to three at the most and even then it's gets a little overwhelming. If you're playing a heads up game, you shouldn't be playing another tournament during it because heads up requires constant focus becuase the action is so much quicker. It also makes you do things you don't want to do like accidentally folding a pocket pair or accidentally going all in. It makes you lose focus sometimes. I think two tables at a time is plenty if you want to do multi tabling.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 24, 2005
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I agree, especially if a HU match is involved-they take a lot of focus. Two of the events yesterday were friendly events for other groups, and it would've been easy to give them less consideration, but as their playing fields dwindled and my chip counts grew, they mirracuosly became more important. I even reminded myself at one point to direct more attention to the 10K when I cracked the top 100. But it was still a good reminder that even one second of lost focus can alter things immensely. Another lesson learned.
chipslap u

chipslap u

Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 13, 2006
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Multitabling has cost me in the past so I limit mine to 2.....if I'm in an event where the prize is significant as in a wsop seat or wpt prize package it gets my full attention. If it's just a multitable buy in where I can win a couple hundred I may still play some ring game or sng to keep me from getting overly bored. I'm fairly conservative so I rarely take too many risks meaning I don't play a lot of hands. Multitabling sometimes isn't hard as I don't play a lot of hands but I do lose information on other players by not watching the hands they play.