Rock Star
Silver Level
I will be playing in a Live MTT this week end. appox 160-180 people. This will be my first live Torney. I was wondering what you think a good stratagie would be..This is the blind structure.
4:00-4:30 2 5
4:30-5:00 5 10
5:00-5:30 10 25
5:30-6:00 25 50
6:00-6:30 50 100
Break 6:30pm - 7:00pm
7:00-7:30 100 200
7:30-8:00 200 400
8:00-8:30 400 600
8:30-9:00 600 1000
9:00-9:30 1000 1500
9:30-10:00 1500 2000
10:00-10:30 2000 3000
10:30-11:00 3000 6000
11:00-11:30 6000 10000
11:30-12:00 10000 15000
12:00-12:30 15000 20000
the starting chip stack will be between 960-1100 depending on total registration. I've never played in a tourney with so many chips and such small binds. I can see how a person could get in trouble early with people calling with nothing and catching cards. i mean a standard raise would only make it say 20 to go..if everybody has 1000 chips...lots of callers ect...So would the correct play be extremly tight for the first hour or more, then just jam the pot...big bets...Any suggestions?
4:00-4:30 2 5
4:30-5:00 5 10
5:00-5:30 10 25
5:30-6:00 25 50
6:00-6:30 50 100
Break 6:30pm - 7:00pm
7:00-7:30 100 200
7:30-8:00 200 400
8:00-8:30 400 600
8:30-9:00 600 1000
9:00-9:30 1000 1500
9:30-10:00 1500 2000
10:00-10:30 2000 3000
10:30-11:00 3000 6000
11:00-11:30 6000 10000
11:30-12:00 10000 15000
12:00-12:30 15000 20000
the starting chip stack will be between 960-1100 depending on total registration. I've never played in a tourney with so many chips and such small binds. I can see how a person could get in trouble early with people calling with nothing and catching cards. i mean a standard raise would only make it say 20 to go..if everybody has 1000 chips...lots of callers ect...So would the correct play be extremly tight for the first hour or more, then just jam the pot...big bets...Any suggestions?