Silver Level
Yay, obviously I'm new to cc, but definately not in poker... I make a killing in live games, my nickname has been lucky since I was about 17, people who have played their whole lives wont come to my house game because eventually I just stack them over and over. But whatever I do, it is suicide online at low limits.
If I ever won consistantly at .10/.25 or ever.25/.50 I would gladly jump up in stakes to avoid most of this:
PS - got my first (and lmost likely last) royal flush last friday in my house game. My roommate has had 4. All on Full Tilt.
If I ever won consistantly at .10/.25 or ever.25/.50 I would gladly jump up in stakes to avoid most of this:
- You simply cannot bluff: Example: I resraise as small stack on the button with AQ off suit. BB only one to call - had played loose all day. Flop is suited rags, he bets out - out of position with that crap hand but only 2 BBs. I know he called with atc, and I think he paired up, so I smooth call. the turn is a random face I miss of another suit - he checks... which he never does, unless he has something, so I check behind him, to look like I have a high card flush draw, then the 4th suited card hits, he bets out again - just 2 BBs, which is extremely weak (50 cents) even for a value bet, so just to test him on his flush card, I reraise him to 3.50 (7 times the guys bet) And after his time is almost up, he calls... with two pair, no flush and takes it down since I had AQ high. Was this an amateur bluff, or just a bad idea at micro limits.
- backwards is perfect... My roommate makes a killing online, couple hundred a night, but always recognizes me as a much stronger player, since I pretty much taught him how to play, and always take his money at live games... but he plays 4 tables and just plays weak tight until he hits the nuts and goes all in, which is percieved as a bluff almost EVERY TIME, and gets called. It's amazing how backwards this is, but it works really well for him.
- PreFlop raises are never ever respected. Which you think would be good, especially when you get AA, KK, AK suited.. etc. But some solid hands with position which would normally be perfect for a raise, like 10J suited and up, are now called down and destroyed by atc. Plus, once the pot has built up, you will have multiple callers, with multiple draws, and eventually be looking at a board you can't stay in and fold.
- 989-1: is the odds to flop a set and lose to runner runner quads, and this has happened to me twice in 3 days in .10 .25 games. I retired after the second time it happened, and will only play some tournements from now on, and of course see you guys on the freeroll each week
PS - got my first (and lmost likely last) royal flush last friday in my house game. My roommate has had 4. All on Full Tilt.