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live tourney



Silver Level
Mar 12, 2007
Total posts
Ok heres the scenario.

I enter about 100 person tourney at the colleges jewish frat house. Charity tourney, winner got Nintendo Wii and other prizes were given out.

Heres my problem. We got 1000 chips in the beginning with 25-50 blinds.(blind increase every half hour) Giving us 20 hands this made aggression very key. Well at my table I had a guy who must have thought he was Negraneau and was talking to everyone and raising 6-7x the BB pretty much everytime he was in. He played about 50-60% of his hands and was stealing a lot of blinds because of the tight table. My question is how do I approach this player? I didnt get many hands, and when I did get my aq I called him and he hit a king on the flop. I folded on the flop to his bet, he then showed k-4 o/s.

It pissed me off because I wanted to call him a donk but his approach did work, he just got lucky as all get out. He cracked aces with 9-2 o/s which is what gave him pretty much his whole stack. I finally got all in with him when I got ak o/s and he flips over j-5 suited and beats me with a pair of 5s.

The whole tourney pissed me off and I just want to know what to do in a situation like this since Im 20 and will be 21 in June, when I figure on going to the casinos quite a bit.


Silver Level
May 28, 2006
Total posts
I think we all have been there!!!

I have just returned after a short lay off because of the same thing. They always catch? They don`t, trust me, it just seems like they do !!!

All u can do, IMO, if u don`t feel comfortable playing the way they do (and turning your superior skill into a lottery draw) is push all in with a lot more hands - especially if he has raised his 7x bb. So, for me, hands like A10, 99+ all become all in hands v this fella. The other option is u wait for a premium pair that will come (I`m saying this as I sit in a MTT after 2 hours on line not having seen a pocket pair other than a 1010, 44, 33 and the best of the rest is one AQ that was beaten in the showdown by a guy with A9 :(


Silver Level
Mar 12, 2007
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Thanks, that was my plan when I was playing him and the one time I got qq and went all in before he raised he folded kj lol. I did eliminate a guy who called me with q8 but then my ak killed me. Oh well, nothin I can do, thats poker I guess


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 17, 2005
Total posts
The only thing you can do about a player like this is loosen up your calls when heads up but dont be to bold. The key is you know he has garbage most of the time. When you hit let him bet and take his money. In the long run playing with a player like this you will win. Just keep calm and play well. Most likely when a player is playing like this the table started out tight and is now loose so use this to your advantage also. The best thing you can do for your game in any level is play just slightly tighter then your table or the tightest player on the table.
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