Chance-of-winning percentages

F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
Total posts
Does anyone have, or know where to get, a chart over how some of the more common hands measure up against each other? E.g. AA vs. KK. Preflop.

I searched the forums, but didn't find quite what I was looking for. The reason I'm asking is that I'm at home (have a cold), and decided to make a little simulator for checking just this. I've done some basic verification of it, but it seems now to be telling me that while AA will beat KK 81% or so of the time, AA will only beat QQ 67% of the time. Straights should maybe factor in to it, but the difference is larger than I intuitively expected.

Or if anyone knows how two specific hands "should" match up, I can go ahead and test it against that as well.


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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EVENT Percentage Probablilty /Odds Against

Pair Pre-Flop 6% 1 in 17 / 16:1

Suited Cards Pre-Flop 24% 1 in 4.2 / 3.2:1

Suited Connectors (any) 4% 1 in 25 / 24:1

AA or KK pre-flop 0.9% 1 in 111 / 110:1

AK pre-flop 1.2% 1 in 83 / 82:1

AK (S) Pre-flop 0.3% 1 in332 / 331:1

A in hand pre-flop 16% 1 in 6.25 / 5.25:1

Flop being all of 1 kind (ie QQQ) 0.24% 1 in 425 / 424:1

AA vs KK Heads up 0.004% 1 in 22,560/ 22559:1

AK pre-flop and hitting A or K by river 50% 1 in 2 / EVEN

Four flush completing 39% 1 in 2.6 / 3:2

Outside straight-flush completing to
Flush or straight by river 54% 1 in 1.85

Open-Ended Straight completing 34% 1 in 2.9/ ~2:1

2 Pair on flop improving to Full House 17% 1 in 5.8/ ~5:1

Three of a Kind(set) on flop improving 37% 1 in 2.7 / ~3:2
to Full house by the river

Pocket pair improving to a set on flop 12% 1 in 8 / 7:1

Pocket pair improving to a set after flop 9% 1 in 11 / 10:1

If you suited cards, 2 will flop 11% 1 in 9 / 8:1

Either hole card pairing on flop 32% 1 in 3.125 / ~2:1

Two overcards improving to a pair by river 26% 1 in 3.9 / ~3:1

Two overcards and a gutshot improving to a
pair or straight by river 43% 1 in 2.3 / 4:3

Gutshot straight hitting by river 17% 1 in 6 / 5:1

Gutshot and pair improving to 2 pair or better 39% 1 in 2.6 / 3:2

Backdoor flush hitting 4% 1 in 24/ 23:1

Runner Runner Straight 1.5% 1 in 68 / 67:1

Backdoor flush and one overcard improving to
an overpair or flush 17% 1 in 6 / 5:1

Catching an Ace on turn or river 13% 1 in 8 / 7:1

Backdoor Flush and Gutshot improving to
straight or flush by the river 21% 1 in 4.8/ 3.8:1

Backdoor flush and two overcards improving
to flush or pair by river 30% 1 in 3.3 / 2.3:1

5 players on flop, that someone has an ace
when one is on the board 58% 1 in 1.7

4 players on flop, that someone has an ace
when one is on the board 47% 1 in 2.1

3 players on flop, that someone has an ace 35% 1 in 2.9
when one is on the board

2 players on flop, that someone has an ace
when one is on the board 23% 1 in 4.3

3 of one suit on board and another coming if
you have one 39% 1 in 2.6 / 3:2

5 players in with board paired, chance of one
of them having it 43% 1 in 2.4

4 players in with board paired, chance of one
of them having it 34% 1 in 3

3 players in with board paired, chance of one
of them having it 26% 1 in 4

2 players in with board paired, chance of one
of them having it 17% 1 in 5.8

Sorry about the formatting but i done it twice and lost it twice, so it will have to do like this.


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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wow, tenbob
great info is also a great site for poker data and percentages
there are also hand calculators that will give you the % of winning, losing or tying with any number of hands against each other
can't think of a site with a simulator on it but just search the cc forum and you'll find a link for sure


Silver Level
May 30, 2005
Total posts
There's a simulator at on the main page. Just insert the hands and let it do the work.