Silver Level
Hey guys, looking for some guidance here as ive had my fingers burnt a couple of times recently.
How often and when do you bluff???
Do you have certain tells that you look for before bluffing? ive heard people talking about instant all-ins on the river when online etc.
How successful are you at bluffing?
Any tips on how to spot a bluff?
For the more "seasoned players" here - how important a part does bluffing play in your game?
Bascially anything on bluffing - when to, when not to, how to spot etc.
Forgetting about table image and position - i can appreciate the logic behind those.
I have read the bluffing article on the site which was useful and tend to play more cash games than tourney's if that makes much difference.
Much appreciated for any help

How often and when do you bluff???
Do you have certain tells that you look for before bluffing? ive heard people talking about instant all-ins on the river when online etc.
How successful are you at bluffing?
Any tips on how to spot a bluff?
For the more "seasoned players" here - how important a part does bluffing play in your game?
Bascially anything on bluffing - when to, when not to, how to spot etc.
Forgetting about table image and position - i can appreciate the logic behind those.
I have read the bluffing article on the site which was useful and tend to play more cash games than tourney's if that makes much difference.
Much appreciated for any help