Rock Star
Silver Level
Tilt is the "cancer" of a poker player. If you go on tilt, just one bad decision can ultimately lead to your losing the game. Tilt creates a negative momentum that will lead you to lost pots and more bad luck...
So how can you avoid tilt?
Well, since tilt is usually the result of a bad beat, you've got to BE AWARE OF YOUR BEHAVIOR after a bad beat. Personally, any time I get a bad beat, I instantly fold the next 5 hands or so (unless I've got a high pocket pair). It's kind of like taking a break. This gives me the chance to cool off.. and "restart" my thinking process.
The NATURAL behavior after a bad beat is to immediately start betting more aggressively, in hopes of winning back the chips you just lost. Of course, that will just hurt you further. So when you feel "tilt" creeping into you, take a break and relax. Clear your mind and start to mount a comeback.
When someone at the table gets HOT, what do you normally do? Most players feel bitter and start to play against the guy who keeps getting lucky. They want to beat him. If someone else is hot, don't go up against them. Especially avoid trying to bluff them or going heads up for a big pot (unless you've got a monster). Instead of giving this lucky player a chance at winning your chips, minimize their luck.
It's the same way with tilt. When you see someone on tilt, you definitely want to take advantage of the situation. Make a large pre-flop raise and try to go heads up with the guy on tilt. You want to be the one who wins all his chip. After all, he's on tilt so there's a good chance he's going to make a stupid bet. Try to force him all in and win the rest of his stack.
So how can you avoid tilt?
Well, since tilt is usually the result of a bad beat, you've got to BE AWARE OF YOUR BEHAVIOR after a bad beat. Personally, any time I get a bad beat, I instantly fold the next 5 hands or so (unless I've got a high pocket pair). It's kind of like taking a break. This gives me the chance to cool off.. and "restart" my thinking process.
The NATURAL behavior after a bad beat is to immediately start betting more aggressively, in hopes of winning back the chips you just lost. Of course, that will just hurt you further. So when you feel "tilt" creeping into you, take a break and relax. Clear your mind and start to mount a comeback.
When someone at the table gets HOT, what do you normally do? Most players feel bitter and start to play against the guy who keeps getting lucky. They want to beat him. If someone else is hot, don't go up against them. Especially avoid trying to bluff them or going heads up for a big pot (unless you've got a monster). Instead of giving this lucky player a chance at winning your chips, minimize their luck.
It's the same way with tilt. When you see someone on tilt, you definitely want to take advantage of the situation. Make a large pre-flop raise and try to go heads up with the guy on tilt. You want to be the one who wins all his chip. After all, he's on tilt so there's a good chance he's going to make a stupid bet. Try to force him all in and win the rest of his stack.