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Was this the right decision??



Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Mar 8, 2007
Total posts
Hi, i tried using the hand convertor tool for this but it didn't work for some reason, i play at bluesq does anyone else have a problem uploading their hands that play there?

Anyways i'll try explain as best as i can

10 Seater Cash game 0.10/0.20 NLHE

Seat 1 Worklecan $19.20
Seat 2 Me $20.46
Seat 3 Anilla28 $20.66 BTN
Seat 4 sirmaxelot $13.99 SB
Seat 5 Harenchess $16.67 BB
Seat 6 AdMMMMMM $21.12
Seat 7 higoglhf $31.54
Seat 8 SpenceOlchin $33.63

I was dealt Qd Qs
The action was folded round to me and i put in a raise of $0.80
Anilla28 on the button called and the blinds folded
So with the pot at $1.90 the flop came

Jc Kc 6d

I check, Anilla28 bets the pot with $1.90
I raise $4.20 sensing a bluff and he pushes all in for his remaining $17.96
I folded but its been playing on my mind ever since

The whole table was playing quite tight, including myself, but this was judging from the 12 or so hands i'd actually been at the table.
After thinking about this hand I have came up with the following,

1)I don't think he had aces because surely he would've made a smaller bet on the flop and he would've re-raised me before the flop anyways

2)I don't think he was on trip J's or K's because he would've bet something like 3/4s the pot to make me pay if i was chasing the poss flush draw

It's not much but its really annoying me because i have a gut feeling he was bluffin with a pair of tens or A10.
Any thoughts??
Advice would be appreciated, thank you


Silver Level
Nov 7, 2007
Total posts
He re-raised a check raise, That indicates a real hand unless you have read that he is a maniac. Very possible to call with Ksmall here when he knows he will have position through out the hand. JJ's is possible but only one of many hand he can hold here. 66's same as the Jacks. I don't think he shoves here on a bluff with paint on the flop unless he has good read on you from the way you have been playing, I think he might have K6 here but any king has you drawing to two outs unless you hit a miracle staight, I think that is a good fold.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 1, 2008
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1)I don't think he had aces because surely he would've made a smaller bet on the flop and he would've re-raised me before the flop anyways

I don't agree with the first part of this statement. I think a pot sized bet is fine for holding aces when there is a flush draw on the board. In addition to making people pay for their draws, there are many players out there that will view an over-bet as an obvious bluff attempt and re-raise them. But you are most likely correct that he would have re-raised pre-flop. With that being said, I think you are beat at this point in the hand. With everyone folding it to you, he might believe you were on a steal attempt and could have many hands that hit this board. KT, KJ, Kxs, including K6 and maybe even KQ, all of which you are a severe dog to at this point. Rest easy, I think you're beat, and I think it was a good lay-down.

Czech Razor

Silver Level
Feb 2, 2008
Total posts
Standard fold unless you have specific reads on the villain in situations like these. Readless you're most likely beaten or flipping against the draws 90-95% of the time given the flop action.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Mar 8, 2007
Total posts
Hey guys thanks for the reassurances that i done the right thing, having slept on it i'm quite happy because i don't think i would've laid this hand down in the past so my game is clearly coming on even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes :)

I don't post a lot but i do read a lot and have found this forum along with a couple of poker magazines to be invaluable, cheers again