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Do NOT slow play in Omaha..



Silver Level
Jan 11, 2007
Total posts
....Without the absolute nuts lol poor guy he bets strong on flop i fold but he let me go to the river and beat him :p this table was very easy money :)

pokerstars Game #8995960660: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2007/03/20 - 08:37:42 (ET)
Table 'Nolli' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 2: lazyhh ($15.75 in chips)
Seat 3: KSP30 ($18.30 in chips)
Seat 4: Richard7787 ($16.05 in chips)
Seat 5: maseo ($4.50 in chips)
Seat 6: hel316 ($29.75 in chips)
Richard7787: posts small blind $0.10
maseo: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Richard7787 [Ac Th 7d Ts]
hel316: folds
lazyhh: folds
KSP30: folds
Richard7787: calls $0.15
maseo: checks
*** FLOP *** [Jd Jh 2h]
Richard7787: checks
maseo: checks
*** TURN *** [Jd Jh 2h] 8♦
Richard7787: checks
maseo: bets $0.25
Richard7787: calls $0.25
*** RIVER *** [Jd Jh 2h 8d] [Tc]
Richard7787: bets $0.50
maseo: raises $1.50 to $2
Richard7787: raises $2.50 to $4.50
maseo: calls $2 and is all-in
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Richard7787: shows [Ac Th 7d Ts] (a full house, Tens full of Jacks)
maseo: mucks hand
Richard7787 collected $8.60 from pot
maseo leaves the table
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $9 | Rake $0.40
Board [Jd Jh 2h 8d Tc]
Seat 2: lazyhh folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: KSP30 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Richard7787 (small blind) showed [Ac Th 7d Ts] and won ($8.60) with a full house, Tens full of Jacks
Seat 5: maseo (big blind) mucked [2c 2s 4d 9c]
Seat 6: hel316 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Went on quite a run afterwards :cool: went in with $15 left with $40 in about 10mins. Omaha cash tables are very profitable if you know how to play well! CCCoP Omaha Main event im comin for ya :p :D



Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
Total posts
.... Omaha cash tables are very profitable if you know how to play well!
Or play like an absolute loon and keep hitting for 10 minutes. Keep playing those hands and you'll go bust double quick, so don't think you've got it sussed just yet.


Silver Level
Jan 11, 2007
Total posts
Or play like an absolute loon and keep hitting for 10 minutes. Keep playing those hands and you'll go bust double quick, so don't think you've got it sussed just yet.

Most of those hands I played I know are not amazing hands but with a few limpers I will usually limp (not much raising PF on this table) with any possible high straight or flush, if i dont hit the flop well then ill fold to a bet, just managed to catch good flop cards in that spell e.g with the 4s 8c 8h Js I caught the nut straight with no possible flush on the flop 10h 7c 9d and the guy pushed and i put him all in and won the pot, he had the lower straight with 6 8 in his hand.


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
Total posts
"Absolute nuts" - have you played Omaha before?


Silver Level
Oct 9, 2006
Total posts
For sure there were absolute nuts at that table.

Seriously tho. With Omaha being what it is, a game of draws, his hanging till the river was a cheap look. His opp was wrong in slow playing his boat, underboat tho it was. Nail it on the flop would have been the proper play there.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
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Most of those hands I played I know are not amazing hands but with a few limpers I will usually limp (not much raising PF on this table) with any possible high straight or flush, if i dont hit the flop well then ill fold to a bet, just managed to catch good flop cards in that spell e.g with the 4s 8c 8h Js I caught the nut straight with no possible flush on the flop 10h 7c 9d and the guy pushed and i put him all in and won the pot, he had the lower straight with 6 8 in his hand.
OK, that's fair enough then if you have a plan, but in reality, all that's happened is that in the space of seven hands you've rivered a full house against a made full house (however weakly played), flopped an extremely unlikely straight against someone who was unfortunate enough to also make his hand (with 2 eights out, he can be excused for thinking he had the winning hand surely?), and somehow got $14 out of a pair of Jacks the next hand (presumably hit another one). That's an extraordinary run of cards, but it's hardly "easy money" is it?


Silver Level
Jan 11, 2007
Total posts
"Absolute nuts" - have you played Omaha before?

If you just mean in terms of the hand I posted Bombjack then there is no reason to slowplay this hand until the river as 2s full of is something i personally would try to take down on the flop, only hands beating him at this point is having pocket Jacks ( the nuts at this point in this hand) or J2 if he throws in a bet he would have to hope im on a flush draw, any sort of bet and I would fold here but no he checks, then a bet on the turn put him on 2 pair eights and jacks so i still have him beat so i call it, so ive made it to the river very cheaply and caught a ten so i come out betting and he pushes so i put him all in and i won the hand, as DJ says Omaha is a game of Draws and i got my card cheap and got paid.


Silver Level
Jan 11, 2007
Total posts
OK, that's fair enough then if you have a plan, but in reality, all that's happened is that in the space of seven hands you've rivered a full house against a made full house (however weakly played), flopped an extremely unlikely straight against someone who was unfortunate enough to also make his hand (with 2 eights out, he can be excused for thinking he had the winning hand surely?), and somehow got $14 out of a pair of Jacks the next hand (presumably hit another one). That's an extraordinary run of cards, but it's hardly "easy money" is it?

Point taken Rob, it was just an extraordinary run of cards rather then "easy money" :) Thx for posting everyone, I appreciate peoples replies and opinions and try to learn from them.


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
Total posts
If you just mean in terms of the hand I posted Bombjack then there is no reason to slowplay this hand until the river as 2s full of is something i personally would try to take down on the flop, only hands beating him at this point is having pocket Jacks ( the nuts at this point in this hand) or J2 if he throws in a bet he would have to hope im on a flush draw, any sort of bet and I would fold here but no he checks, then a bet on the turn put him on 2 pair eights and jacks so i still have him beat so i call it, so ive made it to the river very cheaply and caught a ten so i come out betting and he pushes so i put him all in and i won the hand, as DJ says Omaha is a game of Draws and i got my card cheap and got paid.
My point being that the nuts on this board is JJ or J2. If he'd slowplayed J2 rather than 22 you'd have been going bust yourself. In a blind vs blind situation you didn't play too badly, although a pre-flop raise would be better. You weren't calling the turn on a draw (to your 2 tens) - you were calling because you thought your Tens were good. But I agree, your opponent played it atrociously.