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Correctly Cautious? or...



Silver Level
Nov 10, 2005
Total posts
In Limit HE, I've had my pocket AA drawn out upon so many times that I tend to play them cautiously. In No-Limit, I know how to correctly raise or overbet my AA pre-flop, depending on the situation. But it is not possible in Limit.

"This Guy" has been raising into me pre-flop with hands like A8s & KJo, and limping many mediocre hands. His flop re-raise had me scared that he had 2 pair or better, so I just called down. He procedes to throw question marks at me ("? NH"). After I responded with "nice try", he starts saying I played it "weak" & "like a pu***". I didn't want to tell him his re-raise scared me, so I told him to "keep bluffing at overcards, I need the $$".

Should I have capped him on the flop or was I correctly cautious?

Full Tilt Poker Game #397257803: Table Serafina - $1/$2 - Limit Hold'em - 16:58:55 ET - 2006/01/22
Seat 1: Mtn4Mike ($26.75)
Seat 2: "This Guy" ($44)
Seat 3: MrSticker ($26.50)
Seat 4: Qwasz ($15.75)
Seat 5: Heaterly ($38.75)
Seat 6: glr33 ($39.25)
Seat 7: Ohjay94 ($98.50)
Seat 8: ARJIM ($18.50)
Seat 9: IH8CallStations ($18)

Ohjay94 posts the small blind of $0.50
ARJIM posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MrSticker [As Ac]
IH8CallStations folds
Mtn4Mike calls $1
"This Guy" calls $1
MrSticker raises to $2
Qwasz folds
Heaterly folds
glr33 folds
Ohjay94 folds
ARJIM calls $1
Mtn4Mike calls $1
"This Guy" calls $1

*** FLOP *** [2d 6c Qh]
ARJIM checks
Mtn4Mike checks
"This Guy" bets $1
MrSticker raises to $2
ARJIM folds
Mtn4Mike folds
"This Guy" raises to $3
MrSticker calls $1

*** TURN *** [2d 6c Qh] [Jc]
"This Guy" bets $2
MrSticker calls $2

*** RIVER *** [2d 6c Qh Jc] [7h]
"This Guy" bets $2
MrSticker calls $2

*** SHOW DOWN ***
"This Guy" shows [9c 9h] (a pair of Nines)
MrSticker shows [As Ac] (a pair of Aces)
MrSticker wins the pot ($21.50) with a pair of Aces

*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $22.50 | Rake $1
Board: [2d 6c Qh Jc 7h]
Seat 1: Mtn4Mike folded on the Flop
Seat 2: "This Guy" showed [9c 9h] and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 3: MrSticker showed [As Ac] and won ($21.50) with a pair of Aces
Seat 4: Qwasz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Heaterly didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: glr33 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: Ohjay94 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: ARJIM (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 9: IH8CallStations didn't bet (folded)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 17, 2005
Total posts
Well consider how losse he was, i didnt worry about the flop, but the turn brought a J, and many people ( including me ) play QJ ( not raise it pre-flop though ) . So it was possible he made a 2 pair there. Other then that, i guess the move was fine


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
Total posts
Hmm 4 to the flop really kills any domination that your AA held. FP is better at this but i rekon you going in at a 50.50

I like capping the flop with AA on rag flops like this to see where you stand, the hand that would scare me the most here is a set, but hands like KQ, AQ ect will pay you off nicely.

This is the main reson ive given up on limit especially the 1/2 limits, 2/4 is probably a better limit to be playing, at least your raise wont get 4 players to a flop.

I figure you played this as well as you could, capping the flop is a risky play, but in fairness i would have played it the exact same. I say well played.

BTW how are you getting on at 1/2 ?How do you find it, can your BR handle a larger limit........ect........ let us know its always good to hear some new opnions


Silver Level
Nov 10, 2005
Total posts
tenbob said:
BTW how are you getting on at 1/2 ?How do you find it, can your BR handle a larger limit........ect........ let us know its always good to hear some new opinions.

Thanks TB. I go between 1/2 & 2/4, depending on my bankroll on each site. My FTP BR is kinda low right now, so I will just start at a 1/2 table with $20 and build from there. At other sites where I have bigger BR's, I can sit at a 2/4 table with $60-$90 and feel good. The biggest difference is that 2/4 is usually a tighter game. Being loose can kill you. But at 1/2, looseness is usually the norm and I'm actually liking the practice on my looseness. The switch back & forth is something I'm trying to perfect.