Rock Star
Silver Level
- Game
- Hold'em
- Game Format
- No Limit
- Stakes
- $.02/$.05
- Table Format
- 6-max (6 seats)
- Currency
- $
You'll have to forgive me, not only do I not have the exact cards, but for some reason, I'm forgetting everything but the main details. I'll explain...
Part 1:
My forgetfulness is the point here. This is about the hand but also a lesson. I played WAY too late in to the night, and I played WAY too long. I was exhausted and was too dumb to realize it. tired = -ev
I was just simply wanting to screw around. Not get involved with big bucks. I bought in to a small $10 PKO MTT. (4 tables) I got 4th place. Played well. Again, keeping things small screwing around, I went to a cash table to wind down. cash games are like after dinner coffee to me. thats where I like to keep them. I dont like playing cash seriously, regularly, long term, not my jam. So Im like I'll do a 100 hands or so at the $4NL table. (ended up going way beyond that hand number)
I paid for my good fortune in the MTT by getting the cooler on hands where I had my villains seriously deiminated and they pulled beyond bonehead moves (typical microstrakes) and... unbelievable lucked out every time. Like shoving on me preflop with 73 when I had KK. They flop trip threes. or when I had a set 5's and someone shoved on me with nothing more than pocket 7's on a wet board. No straight or flush draw. I didnt' improve, he hits a 7 on the river. Just unbelievable stuff. This stakes level is unreal. Its always 4-5 people to a flop despite large raises. Its chaos, anyone can have literally anything. (this is all important)
Despite all of this. I'm maaaaaaaaainly satisified with my play. I even make some good laydowns. Can't complain. Despite getting stacked with one of my coolers. I go through some big swings, wins and losses. I'm right at even. its fluctuating between 3-4 handed. People are coming and going at random. I'm the only static player. I get involved with two hands, with decent hands that I have to lay down. I'm down slightly from even. Nothing bad at all. Maybe 190-ish BB. give or take.
Part 2:
OK, here it is.
After laying down two previous hands in a row. I get AQ offsuit. Its either three or four handed. I honestly dont' remember. I think 4. UTG(also the CO) min raises. (oh my stars, classic AA trap, right?)
I think button folds. (if it was 4 handed) and the small blind definitely folds because I'm in the BB. I'm like oh we're three betting. I'm pretty sure I bet 6 BB. he snap 4 bets me to 13. At this stake level. Gut reaction is to fold. Honestly. Despite me calling 6 in to a 20-ish pot. BUT... I said, we're 4 handed. I have a strong hand and its 6 into 20 and I have the preflop postion. I close the action. And people SOMETIIMES do this with small pocket pairs to induce a steal or even AK because its so short handed. So... I'm seeing a flop. you HAVE to get lucky in poker. Thats a fact. So i make the call.
Flop comes KQK rainbow. Oy - freakin-vey. Here we go. I'm first to act. So I check. He snap bets (I'm near positive the pot. Although it may be 2/3-ish or so, give or take. But I'm pretty sure it was a pot sized snap bet). I'm like... geez, are you kidding me??? I hate this position. BUT... after all this money and hitting something. I make the call to at least see the turn. No one with a King is betting, let alone two kings. Nor queens. So I'm ruling out AK, KK, and QQ. Does he have the aces?
Turn comes brick. Its a low random card. I think it was like 7 diamonds. I check, hoping this guy comes comes to his senses and slows down. Nope. Snap bets the pot again. Here we go, my classic newb panic bet. No thought is going in to this at all. He has no idea what to do so hes panicking. His hearts beating in his ears. He has a pair of some sort and he has no idea how to play them. He's scared. He doesnt wan to lay them down because he doesn't know how and he's willing to sink himself in the process.
So now I'm thinking. ..you know what?? He may have JJ. Seriously. That makes sense too. He min raised preflop as a straddle and wanted to see what was up. Now this flop is here and he doesn't know what to do. He's using these cards as blockers and feels I'm drawing with J 10 suited or something. Because I'm no longer showing strength after my initial 3 bet.
Anyway. Im like.. cheese and rice... Ok, call. I think this guy has J's.
Part 3:
River comes another brick. Its like the 2 or hearts or something like that. Helps seemingly nothing. Im like OK big dawg. Had enough yet? I called you. You know I have SOMETHING too. I could EASILY have a KJ or KQ.... suited or not. Maybe even K10 or K9 suited. I could also EASILY have QQ. That would fit my play perfectly. I know he knows this. He's 100% scared. FACT. So... I check. He snap bets the pot. Again. Bros clicking buttons. He's firing his last bullet. I'm like do I really l really really lay this down? After ALL of this? Deep stacked. If I fold and he has J's (mmmmaybe 10's? ) I'm going to feel real stupid because I know dead fact he's scared. And I regret raising but I know if I did he's calling. At least I can salvage some of my stack left by calling down. I made several hero calls tonight to win big pots. And I've had several people call my pot sized river bet with nothing more than K high...yeah, you read that right. This is a loose loose stakes level.
So yeah. I made the call.
What say you, council?
Any opinion, comment, question, welcome. Even if its to call me stupid, I deserve it with this hand....regardless of outcome. Because I shouldn't have even been in the hand. I should have been asleep in bed.
recap: board reads KQK72 (no straights or flushes possible and we have AQ offsuit.)
Part 1:
My forgetfulness is the point here. This is about the hand but also a lesson. I played WAY too late in to the night, and I played WAY too long. I was exhausted and was too dumb to realize it. tired = -ev
I was just simply wanting to screw around. Not get involved with big bucks. I bought in to a small $10 PKO MTT. (4 tables) I got 4th place. Played well. Again, keeping things small screwing around, I went to a cash table to wind down. cash games are like after dinner coffee to me. thats where I like to keep them. I dont like playing cash seriously, regularly, long term, not my jam. So Im like I'll do a 100 hands or so at the $4NL table. (ended up going way beyond that hand number)
I paid for my good fortune in the MTT by getting the cooler on hands where I had my villains seriously deiminated and they pulled beyond bonehead moves (typical microstrakes) and... unbelievable lucked out every time. Like shoving on me preflop with 73 when I had KK. They flop trip threes. or when I had a set 5's and someone shoved on me with nothing more than pocket 7's on a wet board. No straight or flush draw. I didnt' improve, he hits a 7 on the river. Just unbelievable stuff. This stakes level is unreal. Its always 4-5 people to a flop despite large raises. Its chaos, anyone can have literally anything. (this is all important)
Despite all of this. I'm maaaaaaaaainly satisified with my play. I even make some good laydowns. Can't complain. Despite getting stacked with one of my coolers. I go through some big swings, wins and losses. I'm right at even. its fluctuating between 3-4 handed. People are coming and going at random. I'm the only static player. I get involved with two hands, with decent hands that I have to lay down. I'm down slightly from even. Nothing bad at all. Maybe 190-ish BB. give or take.
Part 2:
OK, here it is.
After laying down two previous hands in a row. I get AQ offsuit. Its either three or four handed. I honestly dont' remember. I think 4. UTG(also the CO) min raises. (oh my stars, classic AA trap, right?)
I think button folds. (if it was 4 handed) and the small blind definitely folds because I'm in the BB. I'm like oh we're three betting. I'm pretty sure I bet 6 BB. he snap 4 bets me to 13. At this stake level. Gut reaction is to fold. Honestly. Despite me calling 6 in to a 20-ish pot. BUT... I said, we're 4 handed. I have a strong hand and its 6 into 20 and I have the preflop postion. I close the action. And people SOMETIIMES do this with small pocket pairs to induce a steal or even AK because its so short handed. So... I'm seeing a flop. you HAVE to get lucky in poker. Thats a fact. So i make the call.
Flop comes KQK rainbow. Oy - freakin-vey. Here we go. I'm first to act. So I check. He snap bets (I'm near positive the pot. Although it may be 2/3-ish or so, give or take. But I'm pretty sure it was a pot sized snap bet). I'm like... geez, are you kidding me??? I hate this position. BUT... after all this money and hitting something. I make the call to at least see the turn. No one with a King is betting, let alone two kings. Nor queens. So I'm ruling out AK, KK, and QQ. Does he have the aces?
Turn comes brick. Its a low random card. I think it was like 7 diamonds. I check, hoping this guy comes comes to his senses and slows down. Nope. Snap bets the pot again. Here we go, my classic newb panic bet. No thought is going in to this at all. He has no idea what to do so hes panicking. His hearts beating in his ears. He has a pair of some sort and he has no idea how to play them. He's scared. He doesnt wan to lay them down because he doesn't know how and he's willing to sink himself in the process.
So now I'm thinking. ..you know what?? He may have JJ. Seriously. That makes sense too. He min raised preflop as a straddle and wanted to see what was up. Now this flop is here and he doesn't know what to do. He's using these cards as blockers and feels I'm drawing with J 10 suited or something. Because I'm no longer showing strength after my initial 3 bet.
Anyway. Im like.. cheese and rice... Ok, call. I think this guy has J's.
Part 3:
River comes another brick. Its like the 2 or hearts or something like that. Helps seemingly nothing. Im like OK big dawg. Had enough yet? I called you. You know I have SOMETHING too. I could EASILY have a KJ or KQ.... suited or not. Maybe even K10 or K9 suited. I could also EASILY have QQ. That would fit my play perfectly. I know he knows this. He's 100% scared. FACT. So... I check. He snap bets the pot. Again. Bros clicking buttons. He's firing his last bullet. I'm like do I really l really really lay this down? After ALL of this? Deep stacked. If I fold and he has J's (mmmmaybe 10's? ) I'm going to feel real stupid because I know dead fact he's scared. And I regret raising but I know if I did he's calling. At least I can salvage some of my stack left by calling down. I made several hero calls tonight to win big pots. And I've had several people call my pot sized river bet with nothing more than K high...yeah, you read that right. This is a loose loose stakes level.
So yeah. I made the call.
What say you, council?
Any opinion, comment, question, welcome. Even if its to call me stupid, I deserve it with this hand....regardless of outcome. Because I shouldn't have even been in the hand. I should have been asleep in bed.
recap: board reads KQK72 (no straights or flushes possible and we have AQ offsuit.)
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