€200 NL HE Full Ring: Top Pair good hand to go all in on the river on a draw heavy board?



Silver Level
Mar 28, 2022
Total posts
Game Format
No Limit
Table Format
Full (8-10 seats)

played live 2€/2€ NLH, 400€max Buy In, 10 handed Game

It folded to me in the HJ.

My hand: :as4::qc4:

My Stack: 180€

Raised to 8€
CO folds, BTN calls (BTN has me covered with his stack), SB and BB folded

Pot 18€

Flop: :ad4::9h4::8d4:

I bet 20€, BTN calls

Pot 58€

Turn: :jc4:

Bet 40€ BTN calls
Pot: 138€

River: :kh4:

I checked, BTN raised to 120€,

What would the right play here? Call or Fold.

I don't think anymore the po size bet on the river was a wise play and the less than pot size on the turn...and then checked at the river...all this signaled weakness. Am I correced with that assumption?

I called the 120€, BTN shows pocket 9 and has a set and wins the Hand.


Bronze Level
Feb 13, 2018
Total posts
Pre: obviously an open and I think live this is a fine open size. I think depending on how bad the players are after you, you could also open to 10 here but 8 is good imo.

Flop: We clearly want to bet to get value from AJ and A10 along with diamond draws. I think your sizing is a little big but its not redic for live games. Online Id say 8-12 works but live I like more like 15. So although I dont think 20 is terrible I much more prefer 15 here as it still makes them draw against the flush and also gets us good value when we are up against Ax that we are ahead of.

Turn: Don't really like the turn card. Nice that its not a diamond but I would not want to see a J or 10 here and we get one. It means our target range has shrunk a bit. I would still bet here but not nearly as much as you did. I think live here I would bet around half or 30 and online here I would be 20-25. When villain calls I would be concerned as my only value targets that I think would call two streets would be A10 or maybe a hand like 109 of diamonds. I dont think (unless villain is bad) that they just call down with A7 or lower here since they could not have 2 diamonds with those hands. I would expect a raise at this point from A8 or A9 but still concerned when they call, especially for this sizing. I definitely think you can throw diamonds out of their range minus 109 of diamonds or possibly J10 of diamonds.

River: I like this card since it makes it less likely villain has AK. I would check here as well, and probably would check any card that comes on the river unless I knew I was against a station (which in live 1/2 or 2/2 as you say this game was is probably a mistake since you will miss value at times) to see if I could get villain to bluff. I would think there one pair small value hands check back river just to see it so this bet does have some polarization to it. AK is there along with some of the other two pair hands but a lot of those hands raise turn as they are weary of draws, however, I am not sure we bet the way we do with a draw with the ace on the board so maybe villain discounts that and would just call. In any fashion, I would check here looking to see if villain fires knowing it could be a bluff. Then it comes down to what I think about villain. I will say that there are a lot of 2 pair Ax with this board and diamonds should not have called turn, especially with the sizing you made it minus just a few combos. I would say this could be a bluff but would think given the board much more often than not they have it and lean towards folding (again, that is without knowing anything about villain and playing live we get to pick up a lot on their play).


Oct 31, 2008
Total posts
You beat some missed draws (mainly diamond flush draws) that decide to bluff on the river. But he has a lot of value hands: two pairs, sets, straight.

Since he is in position it is often correct to slowplay these hands (especially heads-up) to keep your bluffs and weaker hands in even on drawy boards.

I would probably bet flop and turn most of the time but check fold to a large bet on the river ( or check turn and call the river). It all depends on what kind of player he is. If he almost never/or rarely bluffs it of course a clear fold unless he is a total idiot.

If you think you signal weakness when you check hands on the river and you notice that some players take advantage of you: check some very strong hands that you intend to call (or raise) - and maybe also bluff raise occasionally.


Silver Level
Mar 28, 2022
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I had no read on the player. He sat down a few hands ago.


Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2022
Total posts
You beat very little by the river and most draws have a pair that might take their showdown value. Really it's just a bluff catcher, an ok one, but i still fold when the board and situation is underbluffed.

I also think 2 big bets flop and turn is a mistake, it's not the board and turn card to be building a big pot out of position. I think you should check at least one street, probably turn.


Dark Lord of the Sith
Bronze Level
Dec 4, 2017
Total posts

played live 2€/2€ NLH, 400€max Buy In, 10 handed Game

It folded to me in the HJ.

My hand: :as4::qc4:

My Stack: 180€

Raised to 8€
CO folds, BTN calls (BTN has me covered with his stack), SB and BB folded

Pot 18€

Flop: :ad4::9h4::8d4:

I bet 20€, BTN calls

Pot 58€

Turn: :jc4:

Bet 40€ BTN calls
Pot: 138€

River: :kh4:

I checked, BTN raised to 120€,

What would the right play here? Call or Fold.

I don't think anymore the po size bet on the river was a wise play and the less than pot size on the turn...and then checked at the river...all this signaled weakness. Am I correced with that assumption?

I called the 120€, BTN shows pocket 9 and has a set and wins the Hand.
We are calling this one, because we own removal. There isn't too much room for folding in a situation like this. Maybe you should try to play having a full stack.
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