thanks indeed for all the good inputs. You can’t imagine how valuable this is for me who just started cash game again after so many years without poker.
Happy you found it usefull. Just to clarify a bit, when I say, you have showdown value on the river, I dont mean, that you have the best hand like 50% of the time. I agree with Station_Master, that you are beat most of the time. But the issue with bluffing, when we have showdown value, is, that then the opponent need to fold more often. If you bluff with a hand like 6 high, which can never win at showdown, then a bet of half pot is profitable, if the opponent fold more than 33% of the time.
But if you have the best hand even just 10% of the time, now he need to fold more than 40% of the time, because you dont win anything extra, when you make him fold a worse hand. And at 2NL players notoriously dont like to fold, so river bluffs are at best marginal anyway. Here you bet 26c, which is the price of nothing. People hate getting bluffed, so if the opponent had any kind of showdown value, like even A7, he is usually going to stick in a call.
Finally blockers only matter, if they block a significant portion of the opponents calling range. Here you had Qd, which blocked some flush combos. But as Station_Master say, most 2NL players, who were barreling a flushdraw and then made it on the river, are not going to check to their opponent. They are going to bet their flush for value. So his range is far more AX heavy, which mean, its largely irrelevant, if you have Qd or not. IF you are going to bluff, the more important consideration is to pick a sizing, where he might actually fold most of his AX hands.