How did i play this?



Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 14, 2005
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full tilt poker Game #641234027: Table Whispering Sands - $3/$6 - Limit Hold'em - 14:50:39 ET - 2006/05/16
Seat 1: Jokerz99 ($95.50)
Seat 2: viciousness ($52.50)
Seat 3: ThePythia ($60)
Seat 4: Danewolf ($168)
Seat 5: koakid2346 ($80)
Seat 6: chessman83 ($81.50)
Seat 7: KevinO ($31.50)
Seat 8: Fritz98 ($334)
Seat 9: lccutter3 ($54)
koakid2346 posts the small blind of $1.50
chessman83 is sitting out
KevinO posts the big blind of $3
ThePythia posts $3
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Jokerz99 [5d 5s]
Fritz98 folds
lccutter3 calls $3
Jokerz99 calls $3
viciousness calls $3
ThePythia checks
Danewolf calls $3
chessman83 stands up
koakid2346 calls $1.50
KevinO checks
*** FLOP *** [5h Td Jc]
zonkermcq adds $60
koakid2346 bets $3
KevinO calls $3
lccutter3 folds
Jokerz99 calls $3
viciousness folds
ThePythia folds
Danewolf calls $3
*** TURN *** [5h Td Jc] J♠
koakid2346 checks
KevinO checks
Jokerz99 bets $6
Danewolf calls $6
koakid2346 calls $6
KevinO folds
*** RIVER *** [5h Td Jc Js] 4♣
koakid2346 checks
Jokerz99 bets $6
Danewolf raises to $12
koakid2346 folds
Jokerz99 raises to $18
Danewolf calls $6
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Jokerz99 shows [5d 5s] (a full house, Fives full of Jacks)
Danewolf mucks
Jokerz99 wins the pot ($84) with a full house, Fives full of Jacks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $87 | Rake $3
Board: [5h Td Jc Js 4c]
Seat 1: Jokerz99 showed [5d 5s] and won ($84) with a full house, Fives full of Jacks
Seat 2: viciousness folded on the Flop
Seat 3: ThePythia folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Danewolf (button) mucked [Jd Qc] - three of a kind, Jacks
Seat 5: koakid2346 (small blind) folded on the River
Seat 6: chessman83 is sitting out
Seat 7: KevinO (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 8: Fritz98 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: lccutter3 folded on the Flop

What do you think of my play on all streets?
Should I have raised the flop?
Should I have raised the turn?
I'd like to get some responces then i will let you know my thinking.
Also do you think I got maxium value from my hand.
How could I have won more?
How could I have won less?
Note: The table had been playing fairly aggresive preflop/flop lots of raises and reraises from a couple players in the hand


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
Total posts
Preflop call is good. You are not gonna push these guys out of a limit game with 1 raise, and then you feel committed to bet if they check round after the flop

The flop. Even though this is a rainbow flop, these is a stright draw out there and there is already a bet and a re-raise, alarm bells should be ringing and you should be re-raising

After that it was pretty standard the way you played it

I would say you played it almost perfect, but you could have perhaps made another $9 with the raise on the flop

Nice hand


Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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I like the smooth call preflop. You want to play small to medium pocket pairs fairly cheap. On the flop, I understand the slowplay of you set since there are no flush or LIKELY straight possibilities. On the turn, here where you should have raised. Now, there is a possibility you could be beat on the river. Make them pay for it if they dare to go any further. Good raise on the river. You raise it just enough for him to call (considering you didn't know what he had at the time). So, you would have won more by raising on the turn. But overall, you did well on this hand. Good Job!:)


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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t1riel said:
I like the smooth call preflop. You want to play small to medium pocket pairs fairly cheap. On the flop, I understand the slowplay of you set since there are no flush or LIKELY straight possibilities. On the turn, here where you should have raised. Now, there is a possibility you could be beat on the river. Make them pay for it if they dare to go any further. Good raise on the river. You raise it just enough for him to call (considering you didn't know what he had at the time). So, you would have won more by raising on the turn. But overall, you did well on this hand. Good Job!:)

Nice analysis, T

Just to clarify, he raised the turn and also its a limit game so unfortunately he was only able to raise the $6

This is when you kick yourself for not being at a NL table!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 13, 2005
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I don't like the call with 55 from early position unless the table is very loose/passive. You don't know how many people will be in, or if the pot is going to be raised after you. So I would fold preflop from this position.

I would have raised here. The flop is fairly dangerous as you can be pretty sure there's some kind of straight draw out there.This would probably mean that you wouldn't get maximum value out of your hand, but you have a bigger chance to win it.

You did the right thing in betting this. If people have a J, they will pay you off, and they might even raise.

Also perfectly played.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 8, 2006
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Based on what you said about this table being aggressive with lots of PF raises, I agree that this hand should have been folded PF. You got lucky and got the see the flop cheap.

After the flop, I have no problem with the way you played it. Variations on the play could have been a raise on the flop, but I really don't see it scaring off any decent straight draws...your opponent's would be getting at least 9:1 to call. So a raise on the flop would have only been to grow the pot and might have slowed down the betting on any future streets.

Another possible play would have been to go for a CR on the turn. I would think anyone with a Jack would bet the turn and you could get a raise and possibly capped betting. However, it is also possible that your opponents are on a draw without a Jack and they would simply take the free card. Personally, I like your bet on the turn, but going for the CR is not a bad idea.

I don't think you should have done anything differently on the river.

So, other than limping preflop from early position w/ a small pair on an aggressive table...I LIKE YOUR PLAY HERE.



Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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tim; on the turn, he was first to act after opponent checked, and bet out (he couldn't reraise)

As for my opinion (take it or leave it; i'm not much of a limit player) i think you should have raised the flop. If not to protect your hand (straight draw very possible) then to get more bets in the pot.
You have a bettor, caller and 1 person behind you. the first two guys will almost definitely call 1 more bet, though i can understand your trying to lure in the last player.
Lots of people limp with JT or maybe a late pos. player limped with KQ and has a straight draw. That's why i like a flop raise more.
From the little LHE i've played, i've learned my lesson with slowplaying (or softplaying rather)
nice hand though, Xandit. I think the flop could be played either way.


Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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colin_147 said:
Nice analysis, T

Just to clarify, he raised the turn and also its a limit game so unfortunately he was only able to raise the $6

This is when you kick yourself for not being at a NL table!

Oops! These limit hand analysis always throw me off. I ought to check to see if it's limit, pot limit, or no limit.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 14, 2005
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Thanks for all the replies, I appricate them, the flop was my main question.
PRE FLOP:As for preflop I limped and was willing to call one raise knowing that anyone who called would also call the raise so i would be getting good odd's albight long odds on set value. The reason i did not raise preflop was DANEWOLF I had seen the player 3bet preflop AJo so i didn't want to put $9 behind prelfop. Also, I only like to raise big PP ect..

Flop: The reason I did not raise was I was waiting for DANEWOLF to raise, this was his MO I was going to re-reraise trapping the two players between us. I figured if he had a J or draw he would raise.

Turn: Jackpot I bet here just to get some bets into the pot hoping that 1-2 others were slowplaying 3 J's. Was also going to re-reraise any bet on this street.

River: Just got lucky that DANEWOLF decided to get aggressive at his point.

Overall: I agree that i should have raised the flop with the draw on the board. To build up the pot. I think with some luck I turned the boat and still manged to get paid off. I think if i would have raised the flop it would have went two ways, 1. capped between DANEWOLF and myself. with a check call down the rest of the hand. 2. I only get my bets called for the turn and river thus loosing $12 dollars on the river to the $9 I would have made on the flop.

All told i am very happy with the hand, thanks for all the great replies.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 8, 2006
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Coryan said:
Based on what you said about this table being aggressive with lots of PF raises, I agree that this hand should have been folded PF. You got lucky and got the see the flop cheap.
Considering that this was a limit table (I am so used to NL), your PF call was not completely unreasonable. Again, I like the way the hand was played.


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
push the flop and take JQ's stack when he turns trips.