Rock Star
Silver Level
Was playing in a local free tourney at a table of 9 players.
blinds 50/100
cards 10 J clubs
no one raised pre flop and everyone called except one person so when it came to me i called as i like this hand with no raise. Flop about floored me Q K A clubs, could not believe it. Checks around to me so i check also. Next card A hearts. Checks around i check again. Last card A spades, crazy flop lol.
Lady in 3 seats behind me bets 100, i raise 1K(she only had 1200), she moves all in and flips over her A grinning, i flip over my Royal and she just stares.
Did not win the tourney unfortunately, but could not believe i hit a Royal flush and beat 4 aces at the same time.
Im sure ill never see something like that again, but man i tell you i had goose bumps after that hand lol.
blinds 50/100
cards 10 J clubs
no one raised pre flop and everyone called except one person so when it came to me i called as i like this hand with no raise. Flop about floored me Q K A clubs, could not believe it. Checks around to me so i check also. Next card A hearts. Checks around i check again. Last card A spades, crazy flop lol.
Lady in 3 seats behind me bets 100, i raise 1K(she only had 1200), she moves all in and flips over her A grinning, i flip over my Royal and she just stares.
Did not win the tourney unfortunately, but could not believe i hit a Royal flush and beat 4 aces at the same time.
Im sure ill never see something like that again, but man i tell you i had goose bumps after that hand lol.