How to Combat Tilt When Playing Poker?



Rock Star
Bronze Level
Mar 16, 2023
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  1. Take a Break
The first and most important step to combat tilt is to take a break. If you feel yourself getting angry or frustrated, step away from the table, take a walk, and clear your mind. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that tilt can only lead to further losses.

  1. Analyze Your Emotions
Tilt is a state of emotional distress, so it's important to analyze your emotions and understand what's causing them. Are you angry because you lost a big pot, or are you frustrated because you made a bad decision? Once you understand the source of your emotions, you can take steps to address them.
  1. Stay Positive
Staying positive is crucial when combating tilt. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or bad beats, focus on the present moment and make the best decisions possible. Remember, poker is a game of variance, and luck can change at any moment.

  1. Stick to Your Strategy
One of the biggest mistakes players make when they're on tilt is abandoning their strategy. Don't let your emotions dictate your play. Stick to your strategy and make rational decisions based on the information available.

  1. Practice Self-Control
Practicing self-control is essential when combating tilt. It's easy to get caught up in the moment and make irrational decisions, but it's crucial to remain calm and collected. Don't let your emotions control your play, and don't make decisions based on impulse.
  1. Seek Support
Finally, if you find yourself struggling with tilt, seek support from friends, family, or a poker coach. Talking to others about your emotions and getting their perspective can help you gain clarity and make better decisions at the table.

In conclusion, tilt is a common issue in poker, but it can be overcome with discipline, self-control, and a positive mindset. By taking a break, analyzing your emotions, sticking to your strategy, and seeking support when needed, you can combat tilt and improve your overall performance at the poker table.


Bronze Level
May 14, 2022
Total posts
I just need to take a break, this is the simplest thing, I never analyze my hands, I am not a professional and not a regular, many amateurs do not know how to go into history, including me, what kind of hand analysis it is...


Platinum Level
Aug 2, 2019
Total posts
Hello, pankoffff! You have all written rightly... OK! But it's one thing: to write these correct rules,
and it's another thing to follow them! That's the problem!..


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Sep 22, 2022
Total posts
thanks for this article, i have exactly this problem now


Sleeping with the Dark Lady of the Sith
Dec 4, 2017
Total posts
  1. Take a Break
The first and most important step to combat tilt is to take a break. If you feel yourself getting angry or frustrated, step away from the table, take a walk, and clear your mind. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that tilt can only lead to further losses.

  1. Analyze Your Emotions
Tilt is a state of emotional distress, so it's important to analyze your emotions and understand what's causing them. Are you angry because you lost a big pot, or are you frustrated because you made a bad decision? Once you understand the source of your emotions, you can take steps to address them.
  1. Stay Positive
Staying positive is crucial when combating tilt. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or bad beats, focus on the present moment and make the best decisions possible. Remember, poker is a game of variance, and luck can change at any moment.

  1. Stick to Your Strategy
One of the biggest mistakes players make when they're on tilt is abandoning their strategy. Don't let your emotions dictate your play. Stick to your strategy and make rational decisions based on the information available.

  1. Practice Self-Control
Practicing self-control is essential when combating tilt. It's easy to get caught up in the moment and make irrational decisions, but it's crucial to remain calm and collected. Don't let your emotions control your play, and don't make decisions based on impulse.
  1. Seek Support
Finally, if you find yourself struggling with tilt, seek support from friends, family, or a poker coach. Talking to others about your emotions and getting their perspective can help you gain clarity and make better decisions at the table.

In conclusion, tilt is a common issue in poker, but it can be overcome with discipline, self-control, and a positive mindset. By taking a break, analyzing your emotions, sticking to your strategy, and seeking support when needed, you can combat tilt and improve your overall performance at the poker table.
Thanks for your suggestions. I know tilt because I have tilted several times until I took a very long break only playing freerolls and studying to overcome and understand WHY I have tilted.
One of the main factors is that we aren’t playing so good as we think we should.
What causes tilt is a non-logical reaction to the most basic fact in poker: poker is not like video games or chess, no matter how much we are embedded in theory or how good we can play, bad runouts are going to happen sooner than later.
Why? Because we get blind and emotional playing. For example, I was in a 600 blinds pot, I had 300 BB and Villain had 300 BB, I was in position with AA and 4-bet and villain calls: villain checks and I make a huge bet OTF, Villain calls. OTT comes a King and I bet heavily, Villain raises and I felt I was losing but I said to myself: “what a dream! Villain is holding AK and putting 300 blinds for me to get it”, and then I jammed, villain called and has showed KK. Bad running? Not at all, I should’ve practiced pot control and in fact I wasn’t going to fold AA in this scenario, but I would’ve lost 150, 200 blinds at maximum.
But because I was holding AA, I decided to put all the chips and that had caused me a huge tilt.
It’s easy to say what we have to do to avoid tilt, but it is hard to put into daily practice.
I had this tilt several years ago and it had taught me a lot of things, mostly that the error was mine, not a bad luck event or a bad beat:
A bad beat would’ve happened if I have jammed turn and on the river villain completes a set. In this case villain already had a set and I couldn’t fold for I had choose to put too much chips into the pot.


Platinum Level
Feb 19, 2017
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There are two tilts, getting a badbeat and losing to Fish,
The first is inevitable because without badbeat poker would be like the game of chess, only the best will win, so yes badbeats annoy us but thanks to them that everyone can hope to win, this is what you should say to yourself when you receive a badbeat and believe me that your way of tilting will change and you accept it without problem,
The second is much more convincing, because when you see that the fish is playing nonsense and manages to take all your chips and believe me that TLTS is much more destructive than badbeat, then how can you avoid it? It's very simple, as soon as you see a fish tell yourself that he has the right to play as he sees fit, if he wins so much the better for him if he loses it's normal because he will end up giving up all his chips anyway.
These are the two things to do to get rid of the tilt because taking a break or leaving the session would not remove the tilt.
Of course, meditation (deep breathing blah blah blah blah) these are things that help maintain a good mental balance.


Jun 19, 2022
Total posts
cool advice and the right ones, but when you're like this I think you forget these rules and emotions get the best of you and rarely anyone listens to these tips because it's hard to make the right decision in this state
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