Flopped straight busted.



Rock Star
Silver Level
May 4, 2006
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First of all, I'm new around here :) I mostly play home games, bar poker, occasionally play @ casinos when I get the chance (3 hours away).

I'm a decent player.. certainly not great. Trying to get better, hence coming here ;)

Last weekend I ran into a nice game, .25/.50 NL $20 buyin 9 people playing. First buyin i got drawn out on a couple times and nothing was going right.. fell-back to a more tight/aggressive style, and was up to $75.

Okay on to the hand. I get dealt 58s (diamonds). Calls around the table to me.. I limp in (late position). Flop comes down 6d7d9s.

So, somehow i thought I was on SB so I try to lead out a $2. I quickly get shot evil eyes, and everyone checks to the player to my right.

This is the guy that has been drawing out on me. Catching runner-runner to make a straight against my set (pocket 8's, hit on the flop) earlier in the game. He's been slamming Rumple Minze (peppermint schnopps) all night long, and is in for $60 at this point. And for the past half hour or so, he's been bettin 5-10-15 at a time taking most pots down without showing however, some were played out with him having like J7 w/ 2nd pair :(

Despite the drunkness, he did seem like he knew what he was doing.
-Okay back-

He bets $2 into me, I call. Next card up is 9c. He bets $20. I think he's just hit trips.. A9 or something, and I've been wanting revenge for his suck-outs... so without much hesitation I reach back and go all in $52 on top or something. He takes a couple minutes and then calls. He has 8T for the higher straight! No diamond for me on the river and I get busted.

So my questions are
a) did my attempted raise out-of-position on the flop tell him what I had?

b) is it possible that as drunk as he was.. he could still strategize enough to know to bet big into me on the turn, or was he so drunk he was trying to buy the pot with the nut straight?

c) general tips on flopping low-end of straight.. what to look for as signs that someone has the high-end

d) any other tips/insight/etc.. on my playing that you can provide based on what I've outlined above.

Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
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There's not really a lot you can do in a situation like that. You just have to know that for every time someone has the nut straight there will be multiple other occasions where villain will have a set, two pair, or will overplay a draw in the same way.

Just put it down to a cold deck and move on.

The Shakuni

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 26, 2006
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I think it's pretty hard to know that he had what he had. I mean you have the second best hand, and only 1 hand can beat you (on the flop that is.) Plus, you're drawing to the nuts (straight flush), so its terribly hard to fold. It is extremely difficult to know that he had 10 8, especially since he just called on the flop, suggesting that he just had a pair. It's poker, happens. You can't fold it, and you can't blame yourself for calling.


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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spore said:
Okay on to the hand. I get dealt 58s (diamonds). Calls around the table to me.. I limp in (late position). Flop comes down 6d7d9s.

First off here, ill assume that the majority of players limped right ? Ok nice flop, but here is a situation where you have loads of time to think, jumping in and betting out of turn was a mistake, youve wasted your table position with a very vunerable hand. You need to realise that there is probably a nice distribution of cards out there. Your flush outs are more than likely tainted, and your straight is the low side.

spore said:
So, somehow i thought I was on SB so I try to lead out a $2. I quickly get shot evil eyes, and everyone checks to the player to my right.

OMG, this is your biggest mistake of the hand, but not esentially a total disaster, this hand is one that needs some serious protection, youve made the hand you were hoping for, BET IT and BET IT STRONG.........

spore said:
He bets $2 into me, I call. Next card up is 9c. He bets $20. I think he's just hit trips.. A9 or something, and I've been wanting revenge for his suck-outs...

Now here is your scare card, you need to take some time to rationalise what your opponent may have if he is going to bet this heavy at this stage of the hand. Why would he have A9, or a PP ? Surely if he was the donk you said he was he would have raise PF !!!! Now i dont think your re-raise was a bad play by any means and your correct in attempting to put your opponent on a hand, but try to rationalize his previous play as well.

Unlucky he hit his gut-shot. Only mistake here was not betting the flop heavier, otherwise very unlucky.
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Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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villain flopped the high end of the straight, tb
but i still agree with much of what you said; bet it and bet it hard.
But i also disagree with hero's play on the turn, it's like waiting for your opponent to improve his hand, then putting all your money in - the opposite of what you want to do.
I think i would have bet the flop very hard and if i was reraised for all my chips, i'd have to take a long hard thought about it and 50/50 fold or call.
Very tough to lay down a straight, but the low end is a chipbuster. Then again you had the straight flush draw, so I'd probably end up getting all my chips in the middle on the flop, conditional to my opponent reraising me.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 4, 2006
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Thanks for the imput guys. I think I probably should have raised on the flop. I guess I got greedy and was trying to let him draw to 2 pair/trips (which is what i thought had happened). However with a raise to $7-8 on the flop.. I probably would have been reraised quite a bid, and would have had to think about it. No PF so probably didn't hit a set. Most likely he hit the straight and I don't think I would've put all my chips in when i could only tie or lose.