Quickie Odds & Probs



Silver Level
Jun 15, 2011
Total posts
I read and hear about alot of guys memorizing odds tables, pot odds, implied odds, risk odds etc etc. And all these are much more common knowledge these days than when I first started playing, When I started it was only the more sophisticated players who knew anything about pot odds vs risk odds and how to use them to consistently turn a profit each year - assuming disciplined play.
so I thought I would just share a quickie rule of them for people to figure the risk odds instead of all the memorization.

First, keep in mind that odds are a ratio of negative outcomes to positive. 3:1 means out of 4 hands 3 will not turn out how you want and one will. Probability is the percent chance of success.

Sometimes when the heat is high and the pressure is on its very hard to recall all those tables you may have put the time into memorizing, so use this quick rule:

on the flop (2 cards to come) quickly calculate your outs for the hand you believe you'll need to win. Multiply that number by 4. That will give you the approximate percentage chance of success.
Now to quickly change probability to odds - Say you have a 20% chance of catching your hand with 2 cards to come, that means you have an 80% chance of not catching it 80:20 = 4:1. So with 5 outs and 2 cards to come you have approximately 4:1 odds against.

On the turn with 1 card to come the factor is 2.2 --- [outs]x2.2 = %success
and the same technique for changing probability to odds.

The 4 factor with 2 cards to come and the 2.2 factor with 1 card gives an approximate result. Not exact but very close enough for your purposes of deciding whether to call, bet, raise, fold etc.

So, again, after the turn (with 1 card to come) you figure any of 5 cards will win it for you. 5 x 2.2 = 11%, 100 (%) - 11 (%) is 89%:11% ; 89/11 = approx. 8:1. So call that cat who just threw $20 into that $200 pot, damn it!!

Don't let all those numbers and symbols up there intimidate you, work it through in your head a few times and see how easy it is. This is really invaluable knowledge to have at your disposal.

Many, I'm sure this is not new to, but for those who learned something here I hope it helps make some good, on the fly decisions in your coming cash games.



Silver Level
Nov 14, 2009
Total posts
nice post

thought i'd add this

Investment Odds Equation

note: Investment Odds are an Implied Odds formula that you create in your head rather than what the current pot size is. It is an educated guess of what will happen by the end of the hand.

Total Pot Size multiplied by your percent chance of winning divided by your total investment (your total bets) gives you investment odds. If the number is greater than 1 your Investment Odds are good, less than 1 is a bad gamble.
gl all


Silver Level
Feb 22, 2008
Total posts
It is good to be remind of this number. Thanks.
Poker Odds - Pot & Implied Odds - Odds Calculator