To celebrate their mutual one year anniversaries operating in the regulated state of New Jersey in the United States, both WSOP and Borgata’s Poker sites have announced promotions for players. Borgata is offering a $100 bonus to all registered players and does not require a deposit, which can be cleared off in increments of $10. The WSOP site is offering a greater amount of promotions, including a special anniversary tournament series, plus double rewards points for a week, in addition to a special one-day half-price tournament ticket sale.
Special $100 Promo at Borgata
The Borgata is offering a free $100 bonus to all players registered with an account. There is no deposit required, but players will need to accept the offer. Upon doing so, they will be credited with the bonus which clears in $10 increments at the standard clearance rate of 8 rewards points per $1 bonus.
Two points are awarded to players for each dollar in rake while playing at real-money tables.
Many Promotions at WSOP.com
After a year of operation in New Jersey, WSOP.com is celebrating in style. They have put together a schedule of events and promotions well beyond what all other sites are doing in the Garden State to celebrate the occasion.
First, there is going to be a “Tournament Ticket Sale” starting at 9am on Tuesday, November 25 where players can come in and purchase tickets to their favorite tournaments for just 50% of the normal tournament fees. This sale, which might be a first in the industry and definitely marks the first time this has happened on the popular poker site, will last just 24 hours. According to the Terms & Conditions of the promotion, “Tournament fees will only be refunded 50% up to $100 of tournament tickets fees.”
There is also an Anniversary Tournament Series which features more than $40,000 in guaranteed prize pools over seven tournament events. The tournaments start today (November 24) and run through November 30. The buy-ins range from just $5 (Event #3, on November 26 at 6pm, which is a No Limit Hold’em Rebuy & Addon event), all the way up to $100, which is for Event #7 on November 30, which is a No Limit Hold’em Re-Entry event offering a $15,000 prize pool.
The final promotion at WSOP.com is called “Double Me Up” which offers players an opportunity to earn double APPs, which are the rewards points given to players while playing in real-money games. Starting today, loyal players have the chance to earn double points through November 30. All they have to do to participate is to spend an hour at their favorite cash game and they earn 2X the APPs. For all tournament and Sit &Gos, players will also accumulate double points. Players need to click the link in the pop-up window in the game client to opt-in in order to receive the double point promotion.
Freeroll at 888; No Announcement from partypoker
888 is also participating in the festivities by offering three $10,000 freeroll tournaments. According to their website, the three tournaments were held this past weekend and the first ticket was free to all players. All players had to do to get tickets to another freeroll was play in 30 raked hands or in five tournaments.
Curiously, there’s been no announcement of any kind for promotions at partypoker in New Jersey. It should be noted that Borgata runs off of partypoker’s software, but other than the bonus promotion posted at Borgata, it does not seem like Party will be participating in the anniversary celebrations.