$0.55 NL HE MTT: Did i play pocket kings well?



Rock Star
Bronze Level
Oct 31, 2021
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Game Format
No Limit
Table Format
Game Options
  1. Bounty


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Oct 31, 2021
Total posts
Note that on the river bet, i was betting to get called, not to force villian out of the hand


Platinum Level
Feb 13, 2018
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Pre flop: I like raising to 4x or 800 better than 3x or 600. Its fine to do 600 but I think its better to do 800 as people generally call for some reason after limping and then be raised so you build the pot a little more. BB comes along and is super deep so we should notice that as soon as they call and with a hand like we have start planning on how to get the most chips in the middle against them should the board run out the way we want it to.

Flop: Good flop obviously as even though there is a straight draw that could lead to trouble, especially if a 10 comes on turn or river, but its a board where it should have also hit our opponents so we should have more value opportunities in this hand. Splitting hairs here... I think with a lead and a call and we can raise a little bigger but your sizing is honestly what I would probably choose in game as well. Very happy when we get 2 calls as it now makes the SPR less than 2 to 1 for our effective stack against the BB.

Turn: Great card as we now have no straight worries and the best boat possible. This is where I think you make a fairly large mistake. With this card we now want to play for stacks and just flatting the 625 all in from the short stack is not going to setup a river jam. Its best imo to raise to 4500 here or so which is only 1/3rd pot, if BB has anything they will still call. If they have nothing worth calling even 1/3rd there after they call the raise on the flop then you arent getting any more chips no matter what you do. Raise here to 4500 and if called by the BB then the pot is 23k ish and we have 17.5k behind to jam river with. When you just call there you are dependent on the BB to raise to be able to play for the entire effective stack (our stack). They wind up just calling and now it will have to be an overbet jam on the river to get the chips in.

River: River is a 7. Do we think villain is calling any sizing if they were to make it this far in the hand with 88-1010? I would doubt they would call 3 streets with that considering flop was a raise. Therefore, for us to get any more chips villain has to have a straight, trip Q's, Jx (thats debatable if that calls 3 streets), or the lone Kx. You bet 9k into 15k... which of those hands is calling that? I would think a straight could, Qx could, KJ might, and maybe, maybe AK if that is the lone KX. Every other hand is folding and I will include Jx (like AJ or J10) no matter what size we bet. Now the hands I mentioned possibly calling 9k into 15k might also call an overbet jam, at least some of them like a straight and Qx depending on villain. So I think even though its an overbet you should jam as played. Again, you shouldnt have had to overjam here if you would have sweetened the turn a bit. I will say you will get called more often betting 9k rather than jamming. However, since the target value range of villain has shrunk due to the board pairing and us holding a boat, the hands they could have in that target value range are what they would think are strong enough to call a jam so you are better off jamming in the long run. You will get called more often with a 9k sizing but will it be 2.4 times more often than getting called when you jam 22k? It would have to be at least that much more often to be break even on chips coming your way. In the long run, its more +EV to jam river even as played.


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Oct 31, 2021
Total posts
Pre flop: I like raising to 4x or 800 better than 3x or 600. Its fine to do 600 but I think its better to do 800 as people generally call for some reason after limping and then be raised so you build the pot a little more. BB comes along and is super deep so we should notice that as soon as they call and with a hand like we have start planning on how to get the most chips in the middle against them should the board run out the way we want it to.

Flop: Good flop obviously as even though there is a straight draw that could lead to trouble, especially if a 10 comes on turn or river, but its a board where it should have also hit our opponents so we should have more value opportunities in this hand. Splitting hairs here... I think with a lead and a call and we can raise a little bigger but your sizing is honestly what I would probably choose in game as well. Very happy when we get 2 calls as it now makes the SPR less than 2 to 1 for our effective stack against the BB.

Turn: Great card as we now have no straight worries and the best boat possible. This is where I think you make a fairly large mistake. With this card we now want to play for stacks and just flatting the 625 all in from the short stack is not going to setup a river jam. Its best imo to raise to 4500 here or so which is only 1/3rd pot, if BB has anything they will still call. If they have nothing worth calling even 1/3rd there after they call the raise on the flop then you arent getting any more chips no matter what you do. Raise here to 4500 and if called by the BB then the pot is 23k ish and we have 17.5k behind to jam river with. When you just call there you are dependent on the BB to raise to be able to play for the entire effective stack (our stack). They wind up just calling and now it will have to be an overbet jam on the river to get the chips in.

River: River is a 7. Do we think villain is calling any sizing if they were to make it this far in the hand with 88-1010? I would doubt they would call 3 streets with that considering flop was a raise. Therefore, for us to get any more chips villain has to have a straight, trip Q's, Jx (thats debatable if that calls 3 streets), or the lone Kx. You bet 9k into 15k... which of those hands is calling that? I would think a straight could, Qx could, KJ might, and maybe, maybe AK if that is the lone KX. Every other hand is folding and I will include Jx (like AJ or J10) no matter what size we bet. Now the hands I mentioned possibly calling 9k into 15k might also call an overbet jam, at least some of them like a straight and Qx depending on villain. So I think even though its an overbet you should jam as played. Again, you shouldnt have had to overjam here if you would have sweetened the turn a bit. I will say you will get called more often betting 9k rather than jamming. However, since the target value range of villain has shrunk due to the board pairing and us holding a boat, the hands they could have in that target value range are what they would think are strong enough to call a jam so you are better off jamming in the long run. You will get called more often with a 9k sizing but will it be 2.4 times more often than getting called when you jam 22k? It would have to be at least that much more often to be break even on chips coming your way. In the long run, its more +EV to jam river even as played.
I agree with you, i should have raised to 4bb preflop considering a limp, but if there was no limper, 3x is fine in order not to scare bb from calling. In the turn thats where i played very bad, i thought im setting up a trap againt the big blind, and it really failed because he did not raise, though he held second best hand. What if i slow played this hand and called 1070 bet instead of raising?


Platinum Level
Feb 13, 2018
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I agree with you, i should have raised to 4bb preflop considering a limp, but if there was no limper, 3x is fine in order not to scare bb from calling. In the turn thats where i played very bad, i thought im setting up a trap againt the big blind, and it really failed because he did not raise, though he held second best hand. What if i slow played this hand and called 1070 bet instead of raising?
You dont want to slowplay this hand even against 1 opponent much less 2 opponents for two reasons. One is there is a still a straight draw on the board that we want to/can charge for and still get called. Secondly, the board hits all broadway cards in some way so you will get called often even when you raise. So you would really be leaving value on the table by slowplaying here and allowing your opponents to play perfectly against when they miss their draws (should they have one) as they could then check fold turn when they miss. One a board like KJ5 rainbow or even better K94 rainbow... these are the boards you can and should at times depending on villains calling habits, slowplay by just calling on the flop.


Mar 5, 2019
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The study point here is your flop sizing you left the shortie with 600 your raise needs to be 600 larger so that you can control the turn sizing -which if you did would mean you could have shoved river for a smaller SPR and be called by AQ as AQ has no idea what they are doing.



Jun 3, 2019
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Isolating to only 3BB is ok, because the limper is short. However you are deep with BB, and you have a very strong hand, so I prefer to go to 4BB strictly for value.

You flop top set, but its not the nuts, since AT and T9 flopped a straight. Against HJ I would be happy to stack off for his 25BB. But you are 130BB deep with BB, and this is to much to put in, when he can basically have all 32 combos, you lose to. And for that reason I would just call the lead AKA "donk bet" from BB to control the size of the pot.

You fill up, so now you only lose to one combo of QQ, and now you absolutely want to play for stacks. Just calling the 625 chip jam from HJ does not set you up for a river jam, so you have to raise here to something like 6k. It should be small enough, that its not totally obvious, you are never folding, but big enough, that a river jam is significantly less than pot.

Because you slowplayed turn, you need to overbet to get stacks in now, and that most likely get a bit to many folds. So as played I am ok with this sizing.


Apr 4, 2016
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Overall, a well-played hand, but still on the turn I would bet to increase the pot and go all-in on the river!!!