Rock Star
Silver Level
I have an interesting question that has been flowing through my mind after i played a tournament and made a move and it payed off, im not sure if it was correct but here it goes . It was like 130 to 140 minutes into the tournament ( not 100% sure ) , the chipleader had like 26000 ( we started at 1500 ) and i had around 11000, the avg was like 10000 something by the way . I was in late position and was dealt A5 suited clubs, everyone folded to me, and i raise 3 times the BB ( trying to make a move for a steal ) , the button folded , SB folded and BB calls. Flop brings 4cKd2c ( giving me the nut flush draw and an inside straight draw ) i bet the pot and the BB raised me to double my bet ( so i put him on a K with a strong kicker , most likely a Q ) and i had a decision to make considering the fact that top pair before flush draw is a 55%-45% favorite, its almost a coin flip i guess . So i decided to jam and push all in , and he quickly called, and my read was correct , he had KQ, flop brought a club and i won and raised my chipcount to 22000, i was wondering, was this play correct or in any way innecessary and would you have avoid it, and waited for a better time to try your luck ? I had 16 outs with i consider good to bust his top pair ^_^