Rising Star
Bronze Level
6 handed game, I'm on the button after calling the all-in of the mega short-stack who had ace 5 against my queens and he hit trip fives on the turn. So I was slightly on tilt, anyway, the hand;
I was on the button with pocket 9s, raised 3 times the big blind, everyone folds except the huge chipleader, who calls.
Flop comes K, 7, 4 rainbow. I think I've have a good read on him and know he doesn't have a king and so I go all in, I was becoming shortstacked myself now, he calls and turns over jacks. I don't hit the nine and I'm out of a game I was wiping the floor with for the first 15 hands.
So how badly did I play it? Was I too confident in thinking he would fold when I was trying to represent the king?
I was on the button with pocket 9s, raised 3 times the big blind, everyone folds except the huge chipleader, who calls.
Flop comes K, 7, 4 rainbow. I think I've have a good read on him and know he doesn't have a king and so I go all in, I was becoming shortstacked myself now, he calls and turns over jacks. I don't hit the nine and I'm out of a game I was wiping the floor with for the first 15 hands.
So how badly did I play it? Was I too confident in thinking he would fold when I was trying to represent the king?