A Member
Silver Level
In the past 2 days I've left about $40 on the cash tables at Noble and Full Tilt. I onlly played good hands and I was continually pounded by folks rivering with 7-4 offsuit. I have finally determined that skill is a factor in this game ONLY if you have a bottomless pocket. An example is I raised about 4xBB with AA, a player went all-in (about $10). I of course called. He turned 4-6 offsuit and caught a straight on the river. I stayed calm and continued to play a good tight game and I NEVER won a hand when I led pre-flop. If I had millions in the bank, I still wouldn't go all-in with nothing. About 5 minutes ago, I lost $12 on FullTilt. I went in with KQ suited (diamonds) the flop was Ks-Qd-4c. I have top 2 pair so I bet $3, other player raises $6, I call. You guessed it, turn and river were both clubs and he turned up 8-3 of clubs. You just cannot get past dumb luck I guess.
I think I'm going to retire, cash out what I have, and try to get a live game going. At least in a live game I can slap some sense into people that play like idiots but are BLESSED with a never ending supply of luck. This kind of play takes all the fun out of playing and we must all remember that it is a game...
I think I'm going to retire, cash out what I have, and try to get a live game going. At least in a live game I can slap some sense into people that play like idiots but are BLESSED with a never ending supply of luck. This kind of play takes all the fun out of playing and we must all remember that it is a game...